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Nursing Presented by Abigail Atiwag Nursing is a dynamic and multifaceted profession that involves caring for individuals families and communities to promote health prevent illness and provide holistic care across the lifespan Here are key aspects and topics related to nursing Nursing Roles and Responsibilities Understand the roles of nurses including direct patient care health promotion disease prevention patient education care coordination advocacy leadership research and collaboration with interdisciplinary healthcare teams Nursing Education and Training Explore nursing education pathways including licensed practical nurse LPN programs associate degree in nursing ADN programs bachelor of science in nursing BSN programs master of science in nursing MSN programs doctoral programs in nursing Ph D DNP and continuing education for nurses Nursing Practice Settings Work in diverse healthcare settings such as hospitals clinics long term care facilities home health agencies community health centers schools occupational health settings hospice care mental health facilities correctional facilities and military healthcare Nursing Specialties and Areas of Practice Explore nursing specialties and areas of practice including medical surgical nursing pediatric nursing obstetric and gynecological nursing psychiatric mental health nursing critical care nursing emergency nursing geriatric nursing community health nursing nursing informatics nurse leadership and advanced practice nursing roles nurse practitioner clinical nurse specialist nurse anesthetist nurse midwife Nursing Theory and Concepts Study nursing theories concepts and frameworks that guide nursing practice including the nursing process assessment diagnosis planning implementation evaluation nursing ethics patient centered care holistic nursing cultural competence evidence based practice and quality improvement in nursing care Patient Assessment and Health History Conduct comprehensive patient assessments health histories physical examinations vital signs monitoring health risk assessments psychosocial assessments nutritional assessments pain assessments and assessment of patient responses to treatments and interventions Medication Administration and Pharmacology Administer medications safely and accurately understand pharmacokinetics pharmacodynamics medication interactions medication administration routes dosage calculations medication reconciliation medication education for patients and medication management for different patient populations Patient Care Planning and Implementation Develop individualized care plans based on patient assessments nursing diagnoses patient goals evidence based practice guidelines interdisciplinary care team input patient preferences and cultural considerations Implement nursing interventions treatments procedures therapeutic communication patient education and health promotion activities Patient Safety and Infection Control Prioritize patient safety prevent healthcare associated infections HAIs follow infection control protocols practice standard precautions use personal protective equipment PPE maintain a clean and safe environment adhere to hand hygiene practices and promote a culture of safety in healthcare settings Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Educate patients about health promotion strategies wellness initiatives disease prevention measures healthy lifestyle choices risk factor modification immunizations screenings early detection of health problems and self management of chronic conditions Patient Advocacy and Ethical Practice Advocate for patients rights autonomy informed consent confidentiality privacy dignity respect cultural sensitivity end of life care preferences advance directives shared decision making ethical dilemmas and ethical decision making in nursing practice Evidence Based Practice and Research in Nursing Utilize evidence based practice EBP principles research findings nursing research methodologies critical appraisal of research studies implementation of best practices quality improvement initiatives clinical guidelines and outcome measures to improve nursing care outcomes and patient experiences Interprofessional Collaboration Collaborate with healthcare team members including physicians advanced practice providers pharmacists therapists social workers case managers dietitians chaplains healthcare administrators and other allied health professionals to coordinate care share information promote interdisciplinary teamwork and achieve optimal patient outcomes Cultural Competence and Diversity Provide culturally competent care respect diverse cultural beliefs values traditions languages and healthcare practices Address health disparities social determinants of health cultural barriers to care and promote inclusive and equitable healthcare services for individuals from diverse backgrounds Nursing Leadership and Professional Development Develop nursing leadership skills including communication skills decision making conflict resolution delegation time management team building mentoring coaching continuous learning professional networking participation in professional organizations and career advancement opportunities in nursing By focusing on these key aspects of nursing nurses can deliver high quality compassionate and patient centered care contribute to positive healthcare outcomes support health equity advocate for patients and communities advance nursing practice and make meaningful contributions to the healthcare profession THANK YOU

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SLU NURS 342 - Nursing: Compassionate Care and Healthcare Advocacy

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