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Neuroscience Presented by Abigail Atiwag Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary field that studies the structure function development and disorders of the nervous system including the brain spinal cord and peripheral nerves Here are key aspects and topics related to neuroscience Neuroanatomy Study the anatomy of the nervous system including the structure of the brain cerebrum cerebellum brainstem spinal cord neurons nerve cells glial cells synapses neural pathways and neuroanatomical regions responsible for specific functions Neurophysiology Explore the physiological processes of the nervous system including neural signaling action potentials neurotransmitters synaptic transmission ion channels neuronal membrane potentials neuroplasticity and neurochemical mechanisms Neurodevelopment Understand the processes of neurodevelopment including neural stem cell differentiation neuronal migration synaptogenesis axon guidance myelination neuronal circuit formation neurogenesis and critical periods of brain development Cognitive Neuroscience Investigate the neural mechanisms underlying cognitive functions such as perception attention memory learning language processing executive functions decision making problem solving emotion regulation and consciousness Behavioral Neuroscience Study the neural basis of behavior including motor control sensory processing motivation reward systems addiction sleep patterns circadian rhythms feeding behavior aggression social behavior and behavioral disorders Neuroimaging Techniques Utilize neuroimaging methods to visualize brain structure and function including techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging MRI functional MRI fMRI positron emission tomography PET computed tomography CT electroencephalography EEG magnetoencephalography MEG and diffusion tensor imaging DTI Neurochemistry Explore the chemical processes in the nervous system including neurotransmitter systems e g dopamine serotonin acetylcholine glutamate GABA neuromodulators receptor mechanisms synaptic plasticity neuropharmacology and drug effects on brain function Neurogenetics Investigate the genetic basis of neurological disorders inherited neurological conditions genetic mutations affecting brain development and function gene expression in the brain epigenetics and gene therapies for neurological diseases Neurological Disorders Study neurological disorders and diseases including neurodegenerative disorders e g Alzheimer s disease Parkinson s disease Huntington s disease neuropsychiatric disorders e g schizophrenia bipolar disorder depression neurodevelopmental disorders e g autism spectrum disorder ADHD epilepsy stroke traumatic brain injury TBI brain tumors multiple sclerosis MS and neuroimmune disorders Neuroplasticity and Learning Investigate neuroplasticity mechanisms synaptic plasticity neural circuit reorganization brain repair processes learning and memory formation skill acquisition rehabilitation strategies for brain injuries and interventions to promote neural plasticity Neuroethics Address ethical issues in neuroscience research and practice including informed consent patient autonomy privacy and confidentiality brain enhancement technologies cognitive enhancement drugs brain computer interfaces neuroimaging ethics and neuroscientific implications for law and ethics Neurobiology of Emotions Explore the neural circuits and neurochemistry underlying emotions emotional regulation stress responses anxiety disorders mood disorders fear conditioning reward processing empathy social emotions and emotional processing deficits Neuroinflammation and Neuroimmunology Investigate the role of inflammation and immune responses in neurological diseases neuroinflammatory pathways neuroimmune interactions neuroprotective mechanisms autoimmune disorders affecting the nervous system and immunotherapy approaches for neurological conditions Neuroengineering and Brain Computer Interfaces Develop technologies for interfacing with the nervous system brain computer interfaces BCIs neural prosthetics neurostimulation techniques e g deep brain stimulation transcranial magnetic stimulation neurofeedback neurosensing devices and neurotechnology applications for rehabilitation and brain machine communication Neuroscience Research and Advances Stay updated with neuroscience research advancements breakthroughs and discoveries in molecular neuroscience cellular neuroscience systems neuroscience computational neuroscience translational neuroscience clinical neuroscience and interdisciplinary collaborations in neuroscience By focusing on these key aspects of neuroscience researchers neuroscientists healthcare professionals educators policymakers and neuroethicists can advance understanding of the brain and nervous system develop treatments for neurological disorders improve brain health and well being and enhance the quality of life for individuals with neurological conditions THANK YOU

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SLU BIOL 393 - Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain and Nervous System

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