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Immunology Presented by Abigail Atiwag Immunology is a branch of biomedical science that deals with the study of the immune system including its structure functions mechanisms disorders and responses to pathogens infections diseases and foreign substances Here are key aspects and topics related to immunology Immune System Overview Understand the components of the immune system including white blood cells leukocytes lymphoid organs e g thymus spleen lymph nodes lymphatic system antibodies immunoglobulins cytokines and immune cells T cells B cells natural killer cells macrophages Innate Immunity Explore innate immune responses including physical barriers skin mucous membranes phagocytosis by neutrophils macrophages inflammation natural killer NK cells complement system activation and pattern recognition receptors PRRs Adaptive Immunity Study adaptive immune responses including antigen recognition T cell activation cell mediated immunity B cell activation humoral immunity antibody production memory cells antigen presentation major histocompatibility complex MHC and immune memory Antigen Antibody Interactions Understand the interactions between antigens foreign molecules pathogens and antibodies immunoglobulins including antigen recognition antibody binding sites antibody classes IgG IgA IgM IgE IgD antibody functions neutralization opsonization complement activation and antibody mediated immunity Cell Mediated Immunity Explore cell mediated immune responses including T cell receptor TCR recognition of antigens T cell activation cytotoxic T cells helper T cells T cell differentiation Th1 Th2 Th17 Treg cells cell mediated cytotoxicity and T cell cytokine production Humoral Immunity Study humoral immune responses including B cell receptor BCR recognition of antigens B cell activation plasma cell differentiation antibody production antibody structure and function antibody isotypes antibody mediated effector functions and antibody mediated immunity Immunological Disorders Learn about immunological disorders including autoimmune diseases e g rheumatoid arthritis lupus multiple sclerosis immunodeficiency disorders e g primary immunodeficiency acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS hypersensitivity reactions e g allergies anaphylaxis and immunotherapy for immunological disorders Vaccines and Immunization Understand the principles of vaccination vaccine types live attenuated vaccines inactivated vaccines subunit vaccines conjugate vaccines DNA vaccines mRNA vaccines vaccine development vaccine efficacy herd immunity vaccine schedules and immunization strategies Host Pathogen Interactions Explore host pathogen interactions including microbial evasion strategies antigenic variation immune evasion mechanisms e g antigen masking antigen mimicry immune suppression host defenses against pathogens e g phagocytosis antibody response cell mediated immunity and immune responses to viral bacterial fungal and parasitic infections Immunological Techniques Utilize immunological techniques and assays including ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbent assay flow cytometry Western blotting immunohistochemistry immunofluorescence polymerase chain reaction PCR cytokine assays cell culture techniques and immunological staining methods Cancer Immunology Explore the role of the immune system in cancer surveillance tumor immunosurveillance tumor immunology immune evasion mechanisms in cancer e g tumor microenvironment immune checkpoint inhibitors tumor associated antigens immunotherapy for cancer e g monoclonal antibodies checkpoint inhibitors adoptive cell therapy and cancer vaccine development Transplant Immunology Understand transplant immunology including organ transplantation tissue rejection mechanisms hyperacute rejection acute rejection chronic rejection histocompatibility testing HLA typing immunosuppressive therapies graft versus host disease GVHD and immune tolerance induction strategies Immunogenetics Study immunogenetics including genetics of the immune system immune gene polymorphisms HLA gene polymorphisms genetic susceptibility to autoimmune diseases genetic factors in vaccine response variability and genetic markers in immunological disorders Immunological Research and Advances Stay updated with immunological research advancements breakthroughs and discoveries in immunotherapy vaccine development immune checkpoints immunological biomarkers personalized immunotherapy mucosal immunity microbiome immune system interactions and immunological tolerance mechanisms One Health Approach Embrace the One Health approach that integrates human health animal health and environmental health perspectives in immunology research infectious disease control zoonotic disease prevention antimicrobial resistance and global health security By delving into these key aspects of immunology researchers healthcare professionals immunologists and scientists can advance their understanding of the immune system develop innovative immunotherapies improve vaccination strategies combat immunological disorders and contribute to global health initiatives THANK YOU

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SLU BIOL 564 - Immunology: Understanding the Body's Defense System

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