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Music Theory Presented by Abigail Atiwag Music theory is a fundamental aspect of understanding the structure composition and performance of music Here are some topics related to music theory that you might find interesting Fundamental Concepts Pitch Basics of pitch musical notes A B C etc octaves and the musical staff Rhythm Note durations whole note half note quarter note etc time signatures 4 4 3 4 6 8 and rhythmic patterns Fundamental Concepts Scales Major scale natural minor scale harmonic minor scale melodic minor scale modes Ionian Dorian Phrygian etc and scale degrees Intervals Interval types e g perfect major minor augmented diminished interval inversion and interval identification Chords and Harmony Chord construction Triads major minor augmented diminished seventh chords major seventh minor seventh dominant seventh diminished seventh and extended chords ninth chords eleventh chords etc Chord progressions Common chord progressions e g I IV V I ii V I harmonic function tonic dominant subdominant and cadences authentic cadence plagal cadence deceptive cadence Chords and Harmony Harmony Basic harmonic principles chord voicing chord inversions and harmonic analysis Key Signatures and Modes Key signatures Major keys and their key signatures relative minor keys circle of fifths and key modulation Modes Ionian mode major scale Dorian mode Phrygian mode Lydian mode Mixolydian mode Aeolian mode natural minor scale and Locrian mode Melody and Counterpoint Melodic elements Melodic contour motifs sequences melodic development and ornamentation trills grace notes etc Counterpoint Contrapuntal techniques e g species counterpoint voice leading consonance dissonance and contrapuntal analysis Form and Structure Musical forms Binary form ternary form rondo form sonata form theme and variations fugue and prelude Structural analysis Analyzing musical pieces for form thematic development and sectional organization Instrumentation and Orchestration Instrument ranges Ranges of orchestral instruments e g strings woodwinds brass percussion and vocal ranges Orchestration techniques Writing for different instruments balancing instrumentation and creating effective textures Advanced Topics Jazz harmony Chord substitutions extended harmonies e g altered chords suspended chords chord scale relationships and jazz chord voicings Atonal and serial music Twelve tone technique serialism pitch class set theory and post tonal music Advanced Topics Microtonal music Quarter tones non Western scales microtonal intervals and alternative tuning systems Analysis and Interpretation Score analysis Analyzing musical scores for structural elements harmonic progression melodic development and stylistic characteristics Interpretation Interpretive approaches to performing music expressive techniques and stylistic nuances Music Notation and Software Musical notation Reading and writing music notation understanding clefs key signatures time signatures and musical symbols Music software Digital notation software e g Finale Sibelius music production software e g Logic Pro Ableton Live and music theory apps Historical Perspectives Evolution of music theory Historical development of music theory from ancient music theory to modern theoretical frameworks Theoretical perspectives Different theoretical approaches e g tonal theory modal theory post tonal theory and their influence on music analysis and composition These topics cover a wide range of concepts and principles in music theory from basic fundamentals to more advanced theoretical and analytical techniques You can explore specific topics based on your level of proficiency in music theory and your particular areas of interest within the field THANK YOU

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SLU MUSC 110 - Music Theory: Understanding the Language of Music

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