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Music Presented by Abigail Atiwag Music is a rich and diverse field that encompasses various styles genres historical periods cultural influences and technical aspects Here are some topics related to music that you might find interesting Music Theory and Fundamentals Elements of music Pitch rhythm melody harmony dynamics tempo and timbre Musical notation Staff notation clefs notes rests key signatures time signatures and musical symbols Music Theory and Fundamentals Scales and modes Major scale minor scale modes e g Ionian Dorian Phrygian and scale construction Chords and chord progressions Triads seventh chords chord inversions harmonic function and common chord progressions Music History and Styles Western classical music Baroque Classical Romantic and Modern Contemporary periods major composers e g Bach Beethoven Mozart and key works Jazz music Origins of jazz jazz styles e g Dixieland swing bebop fusion influential jazz musicians e g Louis Armstrong Duke Ellington Miles Davis and improvisation Music History and Styles Blues music Origins of the blues blues forms blues scales influential blues musicians e g Robert Johnson B B King Muddy Waters and blues revival Rock music Rock and roll rock genres e g classic rock punk rock alternative rock metal iconic rock bands and artists e g The Beatles Led Zeppelin Nirvana and rock subcultures Music History and Styles Pop music Pop genres e g pop rock synth pop dance pop pop icons and divas e g Madonna Michael Jackson Beyonc and trends in pop music World music Music from different cultures and regions e g African music Latin music Indian music traditional instruments folk music and global music fusion Music History and Styles Contemporary music Trends in contemporary music electronic music hip hop R B EDM Electronic Dance Music indie music and crossover genres Music Performance and Instruments Instrument families Strings e g violin guitar woodwinds e g flute clarinet brass e g trumpet trombone percussion e g drums xylophone and keyboards e g piano organ Vocal performance Vocal techniques vocal ranges singing styles e g opera jazz pop and vocal health Music Performance and Instruments Ensemble performance Orchestras bands choirs chamber ensembles jazz combos and performance techniques Musical improvisation Improvisational skills improvisation in jazz blues and other genres and improvisational exercises Music Composition and Arrangement Music composition techniques Melody writing harmony writing counterpoint form e g sonata form rondo form and thematic development Arranging music Orchestration instrumentation arranging for different ensembles and arranging for different musical genres Music Composition and Arrangement Songwriting Lyric writing song structure e g verse chorus form chord progressions hooks and songwriting techniques Music Technology and Production Recording technology Analog recording digital recording audio interfaces microphones and recording software e g Pro Tools Logic Pro Ableton Live Music production Mixing mastering sound engineering sound effects virtual instruments MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface and digital audio workstations DAWs Music Technology and Production Live sound and stage production PA systems sound reinforcement stage lighting stage design and live performance equipment Music Education and Pedagogy Music education methods Kod ly method Orff approach Suzuki method Dalcroze method and music education philosophies Music teaching techniques Lesson planning curriculum development teaching music theory ear training sight reading and performance skills Music Education and Pedagogy Music therapy Therapeutic uses of music music therapy techniques and benefits of music therapy for mental health and well being Music and Culture Music and identity Role of music in shaping cultural identity cultural expressions through music and music as a form of cultural heritage Music and society Social impact of music music as a form of protest music and activism and music in social movements Music and Culture Music and globalization Global music trends cross cultural collaborations fusion genres and cultural exchange through music Music Business and Industry Music marketing and promotion Music promotion strategies digital marketing for musicians social media marketing and branding in the music industry Music entrepreneurship Music business models artist management record labels music distribution and monetization of music Music Business and Industry Copyright and intellectual property Copyright laws music licensing royalties intellectual property rights and legal issues in the music industry Music Criticism and Analysis Music criticism Music reviews music journalism music critics album reviews and concert reviews Music analysis Analytical techniques e g Schenkerian analysis harmonic analysis formal analysis music theory analysis and musicological research Music and Technology Trends Digital music trends Streaming services digital downloads music platforms e g Spotify Apple Music and the impact of technology on music consumption AI and music Artificial intelligence in music composition music generation algorithms AI music assistants and machine learning applications in music Music and Technology Trends Virtual reality and music VR concerts immersive music experiences virtual music festivals and the intersection of VR technology with music performance These topics cover a wide range of aspects related to music including theory history genres performance composition technology education culture business criticism and emerging trends You can explore specific topics based on your interests in music theory performance composition music history music technology or any other aspect of the multifaceted world of music THANK YOU

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SLU MUSC 110 - Music: Harmony, Rhythm, and Cultural Expression

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