Module 2 Writing Question

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Marriage is one of the most important decisions of ones life ones future depends highly on whom you spend you rest of life with I support to focus on career first and wait for few years to get married based on gaining life experience and financial stability Marriage is huge commitment which directly impacts the lives of two involved individuals College graduate students age in the early twenties I believe that at such adolescent age we are not mature enough to take up the huge responsibility of building a relationship Marriage comes along with taking care of your partner financial planning for two people building relationship and even growing family after some time I believe college graduates are capable to take their own decisions but definitely not ready to start a family For instance it is not possible for a man after college to understand his wife with the same level of maturity as the wife expects Also if the person is jobless it adds up additional burden on both of them and family might have to suffer from stress and anxiety Before getting into marriage it s important to first understand yourself aim for your dreams and aspirations and decide your requirements Later getting a life partner who can understand your field of work can serve as a better companion Moreover concentrating on career in the initial stages brings ample opportunity for financial growth and ensure a better life for future For example at the end of last year of graduation one of my friends got an admit from a top IV league University Prinston University but she could not go as her parents scheduled her marriage Now she regrets for losing such a great research opportunity as she is not enjoying her current mundane job Her dissatisfaction reflects in her marriage and she and her husband have quite frequent quarrels over her behaviour A healthy marriage fosters personal growth as well growth of your better half Such decisions should be taken with maturity and planning It is important to have financial stability and life experience to support your family

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