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COMMON SPOKEN TAMIL MADE EASY Third Edition by T V ADIKESAVALU Digital Version CHRISTIAN MEDICAL COLLEGE VELLORE COMMON SPOKEN TAMIL Adi s Book MADE EASY Third Edition by T V ADIKESAVALU Digital Version 2007 This book was prepared for the staff and students of Christian Medical College Vellore for use in the Tamil Study Programme No part may be reproduced without permission of the General Superintendent 2 Adi s Book CONTENTS FOREWORD PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION THIRD EDITION UPDATE I NOTES FOR PRONUNCIATION KEY FOR ABBREVIATIONS II GRAMMAR LESSONS Lesson No 1 Greetings and Forms of Address 2 Pronouns Interrogative and Demonstrative 3 Pronouns Personal 4 The Verb to be implied 5 Cardinal Numbers 1 to 10 and Verbs introduction 6 Verbs Positive Imperatives 7 Verbs Negative Imperatives Weak Strong Verbs Medials 8 Nouns forming the plural 9 Nouns and Personal Pronouns Accusative Object case 10 Nouns and Personal Pronouns Genitive Possessive Case 11 Review Revision No I 12 Verbs Infinitives 13 Nouns and Personal Pronouns Dative Case to or for Verbs Defective 14 Verbs defective continued 15 Cardinal Numbers 11 to 1000 Time 16 Verbs Present tense Positive 17 Adjectives and Adverbs 18 Post Positions 19 Nouns Locative Case at or in 20 Post positions Continued 21 Verbs Future Tense Positive and Ordinal Numbers Page 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 17 19 21 23 28 30 34 38 40 43 47 50 54 58 61 64 67 70 3 Adi s Book 22 Verbs Present and Past Negative Page and Potential Form to express may 23 The Vegetable Shop And Review Revision No II 24 Verbs Future tense Negative 25 Nouns Pronouns Instrumental by means of or with Verbs to express should should not must and must not 26 Nouns Pronouns Instrumental case accompaniment association Verbs to express need need not 27 Nouns Pronouns ablative case from Verbs to express can or able to cannot or not able to 28 Nouns Pronouns locative case continued from Lesson 19 29 Nouns Pronouns complete declensions 30 Verbs Past Tense strong verbs with thth as medial 31 Verbs Past Tense strong verbs with thth as medial continued 32 Verbs Past Tense weak verbs with dh as medial 33 Verbs Past Tense weak and strong with ndh as medial 34 Verbs Past Tense weak and strong with ndh as medial continued 35 Verbs Past Tense weak verbs with in as medial 36 Verbs Past Tense weak verbs with in as medial continued 37 Verbs Past Tense weak verbs with tt as medial 38 Review Revision No III 39 Verbs Past Participles 40 Verbs Perfect Imperfect tenses 41 Verbs conditional form if if not 42 To express even if even if not 43 Verbs Participles present past future forms 44 Comparison and Reflective verbs 45 Intensive verbs Causal verbs 46 Composite Nouns Participle Nouns Verbal Nouns 75 79 82 87 92 97 102 107 110 114 117 120 123 126 130 133 137 140 144 148 153 157 161 166 170 4 Adi s Book 47 Adverbial clause of time Page when while before after as soon as until up to 175 48 Adverbial clauses of purpose manner cause or reason in order not to according to because 180 49 Suffix um its uses cid 24 cid 19 cid 17 cid 3 6XIIL HV cid 3 cid 15 cid 3 cid 157 cid 15 cid 3 cid 3 DQG cid 3 cid 3 YDGKX III Everyday dialogues 51 Greeting and meeting people 52 Conversation about one s work 53 Conversation with a servant 54 Conversation regarding time 55 Conversation about weather 56 Conversation with a tailor 57 Conversation with a cloth merchant 58 Conversation with a fruit merchant 59 Conversation with a gardener 60 Conversation at the dining table 61 Conversation with a dhobi 62 Conversation at a railway station IV SHORT STORIES cid 20 cid 17 cid 3 9 WKWKXP cid 3 SRQ cid 3 PXWWH XP cid 3 cid 21 cid 17 cid 3 3D DNN UDQXP cid 3 QDPELNNDL cid 3 X D cid 3 Q XP cid 3 cid 22 cid 17 cid 3 7KRSSL cid 3 Y E ULXP cid 3 NXUDQJXQJDOXP cid 3 cid 23 cid 17 cid 3 2WKWKXPHGK Q cid 3 EDODP cid 3 cid 24 cid 17 cid 3 7KDL DON UDQXP cid 3 QH XP cid 3 cid 25 cid 17 cid 3 2ZYDL U cid 3 HQQXP cid 3 SXODYDU cid 3 The goose and the golden eggs 218 The rich man the faithful dog 219 Cap merchant a the monkeys 220 Unity is strength The tailor and the elephant Owaiyar the poetess V GRAMMAR AT A GLANCE Where to find a Spoken Tamil Principle VI ENGLISH TAMIL VOCABULARY VII TAMIL ENGLISH VOCABULARY Separate File Separate File 5 184 187 192 195 197 199 202 203 205 207 209 211 213 216 221 222 223 225 Adi s Book For more than fifteen years the writer has been teaching Tamil to the western FOREWORD TO SECOND EDITION students and non Tamil Indians at the Christian Medical College Hospital The available Tamil grammars and texts were used for teaching the Tamil script But at the same time the writer s own Romanized Tamil notes were used to enable the students to speak the day to day language of the people Common Spoken Tamil in a short period of time This is the proper spoken Tamil used even by educated Tamilians with one another It was found from the writer s experience that these notes were well suited to his students who could spare only a limited time for learning the language The students wanted very much to have these notes put in the form of a book This was done in a limited edition and was well received by the students and others As the first edition was prepared in a hurry many mistakes crept in which have been corrected in this second edition It will be appreciated if any further mistakes and other suitable suggestions to improve this book are brought to the notice of the author In this edition the following have also been added 1 Expansion drills 2 Practical conversation 3 Everyday dialogues 4 Short stories 5 Sentences 6 Grammar at a glance This book is almost a self instructor However it must be supplemented with recorded tapes by a Tamilian or preferably by having the pronunciation intonations etc checked by a Tamilian directly Tamil is spoken somewhat differently in different parts of Tamil Nadu But all the different dialects cannot be taught at one and the same time When one dialect has been learned it will not be hard to learn and understand other dialects as well The spoken Tamil form which is commonly heard from the Tamilians at home at the market bus stand etc in the northern districts of Tamil Nadu is used in this book 6 Adi s Book This book is made for those who want to start speaking Tamil without the help of the Tamil script As this is just a short course of lessons only common vocabulary is used Here and there a few words are inserted at an earlier stage to …

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