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CHAPTER 3 Abstract 3 1 3 2 Oilseed sector plays an important role in the Indian agricultural sector covering an area of about 24507 90 thousand hectares with total production of over 31459 30 thousand tons during 2017 18 The study tried to analyse the growth of groundnut in its major producing states Exponential growth function had been fitted for estimating compound annual growth rates in area production and productivity of groundnut in major states during the period from 1970 71 to 2017 18 which was further divided on the basis of Technology Mission of Oilseeds as Pre TMO period from 1970 71 to 1985 86 TMO I from 1986 87 to 2001 02 TMO II from 2002 03 to 2017 18 overall TMO from 1986 87 to 2017 18 and overall period of study 1970 71 to 2017 18 Groundnut is one of the major edible oilseeds in the world It contributes a significant portion to the world s oilseed economy India is the second largest producer of groundnuts in the world Indian groundnut has the ability to bridge the gap between domestic demand and supply of edible oil if it is brought under more acreage This paper examines the growth and instability in area production and productivity of groundnut in India for the period 1988 89 to 2017 18 Growth rate analysis was used to study the annual growth in area production and yield of groundnut Instability in groundnut production was measured using Coefficient of variation and Coppock s instability index This study was taken up to provide implications for reducing the gap between demand and supply of groundnut which is one of the major edible oilseeds in the world Results showed that the growth rate of groundnut area in India was found to be negative and significant during overall period of the study The growth rate of production was non significant and the growth rate of productivity was positive and significant during over all period 3 1 The study conducted an economic analysis of production and marketing of groundnut in Mahasamund district of Chhattisgarh State There are 5 blocks in Mahasamund district from which Pithora and Basna blocks was selected for study Out of the selected blocks total 4 villages was selected Mahasamund district for fulfillment of the objectives of study Total sample of 100 farmers were selected randomly The respondents were classified into three groups viz marginal 2 01 4 00 hectares and large 4 01 hectares and above farms that the overall average size of holding of the selected households was 2 14 hectares On an average family size was 5 51 Overall majority of the selected house hold belonged to other backward class The average total cultivated area was 2 37 hectare per farm The average cropping intensity was 139 93 per cent The coefficients of area and production of groundnut were found negative and non significant whereas productivity was positive non significant growth in Chhattisgarh state The growth rate in area and production of groundnut in Mahasamund district was found significant and negative growth whereas productivity was non significant and positive growth Overall average total cost of cultivation was found to be Rs 35740 54 ha The average yield per hectare of groundnut came to 11 13 qtl ha The average gross return estimated was Rs 55726 28 ha The average net return was calculated as Rs 19985 73 ha An overall average the marketable surplus in groundnut is found to be 3 08 quintal constituting 80 81 per cent to total production An overall average the quantity sold through village trader and wholesaler is estimated as 16 86 per cent and 83 19 per cent respectively in the study area 3 4

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Anna MC 4203 - CHAPTER 3

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