Atmospheric Science 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Exam 1 Chapters 1 3 This study guide is just that a guide in your studies The exam includes but is not necessarily limited to the topics outlined below Exam 1 tests your knowledge of definitions as well as the application of things we learned in class Memorizing won t be enough you must understand the meanings and be able to apply the knowledge they provide Some people find these study guides very helpful and some do not I suggest you work through it and write down the information the study guide seeks from you For some the act of writing or typing down information as you recall it helps with both memorization and understanding If it helps you on this first test fantastic If not then you must come up with other ways that suit YOU as a student As you work through this study guide recall any questions you may have had during lecture write them down and hash them out with a friend You can also stop by office hours see hours and location on syllabus The TA s or I are happy to clear up some concepts for you Other Study Resources Class Notes Assigned eBook readings Bold faced words in the text Canvas quizzes from Unit 1 iClicker questions from class So how do you study for this test Honestly that depends a lot on you and how you learn comprehend things Here are my suggestions Look over the Learning Objectives found on the respective Chapter pages on Canvas Draw things out i e layers of the atmosphere etc Re Write your notes Make flash cards to help understand key terms and processes o There are flashcards already created in your eBook on the right navigation panel missed Look over your Canvas quizzes and iClicker questions and see what questions you Mistakes people commonly make when studying Using a study guide flashcards notes Quizlet that someone else has prepared o Learning is work There are no shortcuts Memorize but they do not understand o It is okay to memorize things but you also need to understand the concepts the processes and the reasons why Basic Study Questions Topics Layers of the Atmosphere o Know the different layers of the atmosphere Know how temperature and pressure behave with height In which layers does temperature increase decrease with height Which part of the atmosphere do we live in Know how the layers are divided up and what lids separates each What is the standard Lapse Rate of the troposphere What is the lapse rate What is an inversion Seasons o Know what makes the northern and southern hemispheres different i e why is it winter in the n hemis and summer in the s hemis o Be familiar with the dates of the equinoxes and solstices o Why do we have seasons o How does sunlight differ from season to season at certain latitudes o Familiarize yourself with the 4 controls of temperature discussed in class The Atmosphere and What it s Composed of o Define the following Weight Density Mass o Know the main gasses that make up Earth s atmosphere i e percentage of the main gases o What is the greenhouse effect Temperature Heat and Energy o Know the three temperature scales Fahrenheit Celsius Kelvin o What are the sources of energy for the earth and atmosphere o What is the Lapse Rate o Understand the following concepts Melting Freezing Sublimation Deposition Evaporation Condensation Latent heat vs specific heat vs heat capacity Understand what roll latent heat plays in the atmosphere Weather vs Climate Understand the difference between weather and climate What is meteorology What is climatology How and why are meteorology and climatology different Heat Transfer in the Atmosphere Be familiar with the following concepts o Conduction how does this work o Processes of Daytime Warming and Nighttime Cooling When do high Convection how does this work o Advection what is this o Radiation how does this work Daily Temperature Variations temperatures occur When to low temperatures occur What are radiation inversions How do clouds affect nighttime low temperatures How does the sun warm the earth What are the four controls of temperature Chapter 3 Light Spectrum and Electromagnetic Waves o Be familiar with the colors on the visible light spectrum What colors are where i e ultraviolet and visible o What are the different types of radiation we discussed in class o Know what a wavelength is o What is the albedo What is Earth s albedo o What is Longwave and Shortwave radiation How do the two affect the daily temperature variations at the Also looking over lecture notes previous online quizzes available through Canvas and the reviews at the end of each chapter are the BEST way to study for this exam surface
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