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MMET 275 Mechanics for Technologists Spring 2023 Problem 6 1 10 Points Given A force P is applied to join D of the truss below Homework Set 6 Due Monday Mar 27 Find Using the method of joints determine the load carried by each member in the truss and state whether the member is in tension or in compression MMET 275 Mechanics for Technologists Spring 2023 Problem 6 2 10 Points Homework Set 6 Due Monday Mar 27 Using the method of joins determine the force in each member of the truss State if the members are in tension or compression determine the force in each member of the truss and state if the members are in tension or compression MMET 275 Mechanics for Technologists Spring 2023 Problem 6 3 10 Points Homework Set 6 Due Monday Mar 27 The Howe bridge truss is subjected to the loading shown Using the method of sections determine the force in members HD CD and GD and state if the members are in tension or compression MMET 275 Mechanics for Technologists Spring 2023 Problem 6 4 10 Points Homework Set 6 Due Monday Mar 27 Given Consider the truss shown below with the loading on joints B I and H Find Please indicate the method you choose e g the method of joints or the method of sections Determine the load carried members 1 2 and 3 All horizontal members are of length 4d and all vertical members are of length 3d Leave your answers in terms of P and with fractional forms

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