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Physics in the Arts Lecture L8 review for exam 1 Exam 1 Wednesday Feb 21 2024 at class time 2 25 pm or 3 30 pm If you are in the 2 25 pm class and your last name begins with A L your exam will be in 2241 Chamberlin Hall If you are in the 2 25 pm class and your last name begins with M Z your exam will be in 1120 Biochemistry Building 420 Henry Mall near University Avenue enter from Henry Mall find room 1120 If you are in the 3 30 pm class your exam will be in 2241 Chamberlin Hall McBurney students will have longer and will do their exam in the lab 3124 Chamberlin Hall See private e mail There will be 4 questions each worth 25 points so the total grade is 0 100 Each of the 4 questions will be graded identically by 1 of the TAs so all grades are fair Exam 1 will be based on reflection refraction lenses photography To prepare for Exam 1 Do practice problems then look up solutions All problems and solution files are posted on Canvas in the Exam 1 preparation folder time Attend 1 review session also listed in the syllabus review sessions before exam 1 Wednesday Feb 21 date Feb 17 Feb 18 Feb 19 Feb 19 Feb 20 TA 4 00pm 6 00pm He 2 00pm 4 00pm Andrii 11 00 am 1 00 pm Nitya 4 30pm 6 30pm Anosh Abhi 12 30pm 2 30pm room assigned Van Vleck B239 Van Vleck B239 Edu Sci 212 Chamberlin 2241 Animal Sci 212 Saturday Sunday Monday Monday Tuesday Read book chapters 2 3 5 look at pdf files for all lecture slides on Canvas in the Exam 1 preparation folder Do all problems at the end of book chapters 2 3 5 When you are done with each problem look up the solution in Chapter 21 and or ask me in class on Monday Feb 19 All relevant formulae and numbers for Exam 1 will be given to you as shown on page 1 of the exam Therefore there is no need to memorize any of them but you do need to know what the formulae mean and how to use them Cheating includes looking at notes books web sites cell phones not even as a calculator talking to anyone else about anything the exam content or something completely different It doesn t matter to us if you talk you get a zero If you listen to anyone else talking to you you get a zero Any of the above will be considered cheating We will watch you and also record you during the exam so if you are caught cheating in any of the above ways you will get a zero for Exam 1 Bring a calculator a pencil a ruler PHYSICS 109 Exam 1 Spring 2024 February 21st 2024 question points 25 25 25 25 100 1 2 3 4 total score Your name Lab session you attend Your TA s name sin with Bring a calculator a pencil and a ruler You will need all 3 during the exam and may not share with others Be sure to show your work Calculate all angles with a precision of 0 1 and all distances with a precision of 0 1 cm Do not cheat You may not use any notes books cell phones or computers Do not talk to anyone during the exam look at other students exams or let them look at yours Use the back of each page if you need more paper for calculations or drawings Only your work on the front printed side of each page will be graded

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UW-Madison PHYSICS 109 - Lecture L8 Physics in the Art

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