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The Earth and Its Atmosphere Chapter 1 Definitions s t I h t r a E e h T 1 r e t p a h C e r e h p s o m t A Meteorology The study of the Edit Master text styles that cause weather and the interaction of the Second level with the Earth s and Third level Fourth level Fifth level Climatology The study of including conditions and possible in the climate ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Meteorology s t I h t r a E e h T 1 r e t p a h C e r e h p s o m t A Weather The condition of the at any and Edit Master text styles Second level Third level Humidity relative humidity dew point Pressure and Cloud Cover type and amount ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Fourth level Fifth level Weather The condition of the at any and Climatology s t I h t r a E e h T 1 r e t p a h C e r e h p s o m t A Climate The condition of the over many Edit Master text styles Second level The same variables are used for climate as with weather Third level Averages Fourth level Fifth level Extremes Average High Record High 30 year avg high temperature for a given date and location The highest temperature ever recorded for a given date and location ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Climate The condition of the over many The Atmosphere The Earth s Atmosphere is Relatively If you d shrink the earth down to the size of a beach ball the inhabitable atmosphere would be thinner than a piece of paper Edit Master text styles Fourth level Second level Fifth level The Atmosphere Contains Various Third level Those substances exist in and of the Atmosphere Resides Near Earth s Why s t I h t r a E e h T 1 r e t p a h C e r e h p s o m t A ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology The Atmosphere What is the atmosphere A enveloping a planetary surface Earth isn t the only with an atmosphere Edit Master text styles Second level Earth s Atmospheric Composition Third level 1 Oxygen Argon 21 s t I h t r a E e h T 1 r e t p a h C e r e h p s o m t A Fourth level Fifth level These 3 can vary greatly in time and space ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Nitrogen 78 s t I h t r a E e h T 1 r e t p a h C e r e h p s o m t A The Atmosphere Water Vapor Makes up 0 4 of the Atmosphere Edit Master text styles Second level Third level Important for the generation of day to day weather events Fourth level Sno Fifth level w Condensation Evaporation Latent Heat The of process changing water vapor water into liquid The process of liquid water becoming water vapor Heat released during phase change e g vapor to liquid to ice ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Fo g Water Vapor Rai n Clou ds Makes up 0 4 of the AtmosphereImportant for the generation of day to day weather events The Atmosphere Water Vapor Phase Changes in the Atmosphere Edit Master text styles Second level Third level They involve heat transfer Fourth level Fifth level s t I h t r a E e h T 1 r e t p a h C e r e h p s o m t A Liquid to Gas Gas to Solid Solid to Liquid ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Phase Changes in the AtmosphereThey involve heat transfer The Atmosphere Carbon Dioxide s t I h t r a E e h T 1 r e t p a h C e r e h p s o m t A Makes up 0 038 of the Atmosphere Fourth level Fifth level Edit Master text styles Second level Third level Enters the atmosphere by Decay of Volcanic eruptions Exhalation of animal life of fossil fuels Removed from the Atmosphere by ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Makes up 0 038 of the AtmosphereEnters the atmosphere by Decay of Volcanic eruptions Exhalation of animal life of fossil fuels The Atmosphere Ozone Makes up 0 01 of the Atmosphere Edit Master text styles Second level Third level Benefits of Ozone Absorbs incoming Provides a natural for humans plants animals Fourth level Fifth level s t I h t r a E e h T 1 r e t p a h C e r e h p s o m t A Harmful Effects of Ozone irritation irritation damage ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Makes up 0 01 of the AtmosphereBenefits of Ozone Absorbs incoming Provides a natural for humans plants animalsHarmful Effects of Ozone irritation irritation damage The Atmosphere Methane Makes up 0 0001 of the Atmosphere Edit Master text styles Second level Third level Benefits of Methane Effective absorber of emitted by Earth s surface Fourth level Fifth level s t I h t r a E e h T 1 r e t p a h C e r e h p s o m t A Sources of Methane Coal Mines Livestock Rice Fields Gas Pipelines ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Makes up 0 0001 of the AtmosphereBenefits of Methane Effective absorber of emitted by Earth s surfaceSources of Methane Coal Mines Livestock Rice Fields Gas Pipelines The Atmosphere Aerosols Pollutants Suspended solid and liquid particles in the air some are man Aerosols Edit Master text styles made Dust Second level Salt particles Third level Ash From Forest Fires Volcanoes Fourth level Fifth level s t I h t r a E e h T 1 r e t p a h C e r e h p s o m t A Pollutants Gasses and aerosols in concentration great enough to cause a nuisance or health hazard Auto Emission Nitrogen Dioxide Carbon Monoxide Fuel Emissions Sulfur Dioxide ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology AerosolsPollutants The Atmosphere How Much is Where 99 9 of Atmospheric Mass Resides Near The Surface Edit Master text styles Second level Third level Compressibility Gravity Fourth level Fifth level s t I h t r a E e h T 1 r e t p a h C e r e h p s o m t A Gravity is the main factor ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology GravityCompressibilityGravity is the main factor The Atmosphere Atmospheric Pressure s t I h t r a E e h T 1 r e t p a h C e r e h p s o m t A Weight The force acting on an object due to gravity Edit Master text styles weight mass x gravity Second level Mass The quantity of matter in an object Third level Density The amount of mass in a given space volume Fourth level Fifth level density ATM …

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Mizzou GEOG 1050 - The Earth and Its Atmosphere

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