Energy Chapter 2 g r e n E 2 r e t p a h C Energy The ability to do on some form of matter Edit Master text styles Fourth level Work is done when matter is either Second level Fifth level Third level over some distance ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology g r e n E 2 r e t p a h C Energy The ability to do work on some form of matter First Law of Edit Master text styles Second level Energy can neither be or Energy during one process is during another Third level Fourth level Fifth level Also Known As of Energy ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology First Law of g r e n E 2 r e t p a h C Kinds of Energy Energy Total amount of energy stored in any object determines how much work the object is Edit Master text styles capable of doing Second level m object s mass Third level g acceleration of gravity h object s height above ground Fourth level Fifth level PE mgh Energy Energy of motion m object s mass v object s velocity KE mv2 ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Energy Energy g r e n E 2 r e t p a h C Kinds of Energy Energy The TOTAL energy stored in an object Edit Master text styles Second level Temperature only indicates how hot or cold an air or Third level but not about how much internal energy it possesses Fourth level Fifth level water parcel is ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Energy g r e n E 2 Kinds of Energy r Temperature e t p a h Edit Master text styles C Measure of Kinetic Energy Second level Third level A measure of the of the atoms and molecules Fourth level Fifth level the average speed of the molecules The the temperature ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Temperature g r e n E 2 r e t p a h C Kinds of Energy Temperature Edit Master text styles Measure of Kinetic Energy Second level Third level A measure of the average speed of the atoms and molecules Fourth level Fifth level Higher the average speed of the molecules The higher the temperature The higher the temperature of a gas the faster the gas molecules are moving on average It is an average because some molecules are moving very fast and some are moving more slowly What we see on the thermometer is an average result of the kinetic energy of the molecules ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Temperature g r e n E 2 r e t p a h C Temperature Scales Fahrenheit only used in the United States and a few other countries Celsius used in the majority of countries worldwide Kelvin used in mathematical and scientific operations Fourth level Fifth level Edit Master text styles Second level Third level For Water at Sea Level Freezing Point Boiling Point Fahrenheit Celsius Kelvin 273 C 32 0 273 212 100 373 Absolute Zero Temperature Possible F ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Absolute Zero Temperature Possible F Heat g r e n E 2 r e t p a h C Energy in the process of being transferred from one object to another because of the temperature difference between them Edit Master text styles Second level Temperature is the of a substance Third level Heat is the of a substance Fourth level Fifth level ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Heat g r e n E 2 r e t p a h C in the process of being transferred from one object to another because of the between them Edit Master text styles Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics Second level Heat always flows from to Third level Fourth level Fifth level Thermodynamically what s going on here ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics g r e n E 2 r e t p a h C Heat Related Concepts Heat Capacity the ability of an object to heat as it changes temperature ratio of the amount of heat energy absorbed by a substance to its corresponding temperature rise Edit Master text styles Second level Specific Heat the of required to Third level raise the temperature of 1 g of that substance 1 C Fourth level Fifth level Water has a large heat capacity slow to heat slow to cool Substance Water Air Sand Specific Heat 4 186 J kg x 1 C 1 005 J kg x 1 C 795 J kg x 1 C ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology g r e n E 2 r e t p a h C Heat Related Concepts Heat The heat required to change a substance from one to another hidden heat water vapor is an invisible gas that becomes visible when it changes into Fourth level Fifth level Edit Master text styles liquid or ice particles Second level Third level ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology g r e n E 2 r e t p a h C Latent Heat Water Evaporation Energetic H2O Edit Master text styles molecules leaves the liquid water on Second level your skin after a Third level shower Latent heat of vaporization cooling your skin Condensation Vapor molecules become energetic and down ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology Evaporation takes up heat from the environment Evaporation is a process Fourth level Fifth level Condensation gives off heat from the environment Condensation is a process g r e n E 2 r e t p a h C Latent Heat Hidden Heat Latent heat is a very important of atmospheric Edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology g r e n E 2 r e t p a h C Means of Energy Transfer Energy can move from one object to another in the following three ways Conduction molecule to molecule transfer Fourth level Convection transfer by fluid motions Fifth level Radiation transfer by electromagnetic waves Edit Master text styles Second level Third level Energy always travels from regions of to regions of ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology g r e n E 2 r e t p a h C Means of Energy Transfer Edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology g r e n E 2 r e t p a h C Means of Energy Transfer Conduction Requires objects to be in Not important in the atmosphere except near the The air is not heated by the sun but it gets its Edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level energy from the heated below and gets the energy by Amount of heat transferred depends on between two objects of the two objects Water is a conductor Air is a conductor we use it as insulation ATM SC 1050 Introduction to Meteorology g r e n E 2 r e t p a h C Means of Energy Transfer Convection Edit Master text styles Second level Third level Air …
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