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Python Print Statements Python is an interpreted language which means that the code is executed line by line with no need for a separate compilation step This makes it a great language for beginners as it allows for quick experimentation and iteration Print Statements In Python the print function is used to output text and variables to the console Here are some examples of how to use print statements print f Hello name You are age years old Basic Print Statement print Hello World Printing Variables name Alice print Hello name Formatted Print Statements name Alice age 25 Printing Multiple Lines print Hello nWorld print This is a nmulti line nstring Printing End Argument print Hello World end print Another statement Printing Sep Argument print Hello World sep Printing Flush Argument import sys print Hello World flush True Printing File Argument with open output txt w as file print Hello World file file print f Hello name You are age years old Formatted Print Statement with Function def print formatted name age name Alice age 25 print formatted name age These are just a few examples of how to use print statements in Python With the print function you can output text and variables to the console in a variety of ways making it a powerful tool for debugging testing and communicating information

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Anna GE 3151 - Python Print Statements

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