LEARN PYTHON IN JUST 2 HOURS PYTHON SYNOPSIS Python as an Interpreted Language Binary and Interpretation Python Print Statements Conditional Statements and Operators in Python Python as an Interpreted Language Binary and Interpretation Interpreted Language Python is an interpreted language which means that the code is not compiled to machine code before it is run Instead the code is executed line by line by an interpreter This allows for ease of use and flexibility as changes to the code can be made and immediately seen without the need to recompile the program Binary and Interpretation At a low level the interpreter converts the Python code into binary code that the computer can understand and execute This process is transparent to the Python developer but it s important to understand that binary code is what the computer ultimately executes Dictionaries and Data Structures Python has a number of built in data structures including lists tuples and dictionaries Dictionaries are a type of data structure that allows you to store key value pairs They are useful for quickly looking up data and can be implemented efficiently in binary Print Statements in Python The print statement is used to output data to the console In Python it can be used to print the value of variables as well as formatted strings This is useful for debugging and testing your code Loops and Jump Statements Loops and jump statements are used to control the flow of a program Loops such as for and while allow you to iterate over a collection of data or a specified number of times Jump statements such as break and continue allow you to exit a loop early or skip to the next iteration Lists and Functions Lists are a type of data structure that allows you to store an ordered collection of data Functions are reusable blocks of code that can be called from different parts of a program In Python functions can be defined using the def keyword and can take in arguments and return values Conditional Statements and Operators Conditional statements and operators are used to make decisions in a program Conditional statements such as if elif and else allow you to test whether a condition is true and execute code based on the result Operators such as are used to compare values String Manipulation Strings are a type of data in Python that are used to represent text Python has many powerful built in functions for manipulating strings such as split join replace strip upper lowe r capitalize etc It s important to keep in mind that Interpreted languages like python are usually slower than compiled languages but the advantage is that it is more user friendly and easier to learn test and debug Python Print Statements Python is an interpreted language which means that the code is executed line by line with no need for a separate compilation step This makes it a great language for beginners as it allows for quick experimentation and iteration Print Statements In Python the print function is used to output text and variables to the console Here are some examples of how to use print statements Basic Print Statement print Hello World Printing Variables name Alice print Hello name Formatted Print Statements name Alice age 25 old Printing Multiple Lines print f Hello name You are age years print Hello nWorld print This is a nmulti line nstring Printing End Argument print Hello World end print Another statement Printing Sep Argument print Hello World sep Printing Flush Argument import sys print Hello World flush True Printing File Argument with open output txt w as file print Hello World file file Formatted Print Statement with Function def print formatted name age print f Hello name You are age years old name Alice age 25 print formatted name age These are just a few examples of how to use print statements in Python With the print function you can output text and variables to the console in a variety of ways making it a powerful tool for debugging testing and communicating information Conditional Statements and Operators in Python Python Interpreted Language Python is an interpreted language This means that the code is executed line by line It does not need to be compiled before execution Binary and Interpretation Not covered in these notes Dictionaries and Data Structures Not covered in these notes Print Statements in Python Not covered in these notes Loops and Jump Statements Not covered in these notes Lists and Functions Not covered in these notes Conditional Statements and Operators Conditional Statements if statement elif statement Used to test if a condition is true code to be executed if condition is true Used to test if a condition is true if the previous conditions were not code to be executed if condition1 is true code to be executed if condition1 is false and condition2 is true code to be executed if all conditions else statement if statement Syntax if condition elif statement Syntax if condition1 elif condition2 else were false else statement Syntax if condition1 Used to specify a block of code to be executed if all previous conditions were false code to be executed if condition1 is true code to be executed if condition1 is else false Conditional Operators and operator or operator not operator and operator Returns True if both operands are true Syntax if condition1 and condition2 code to be executed if both condition1 and condition2 are true or operator Returns True if at least one of the operands is true Syntax if condition1 or condition2 code to be executed if condition1 or condition2 is true not operator Returns True if the operand is false Syntax code to be executed if condition is false if not condition String Manipulation Not covered in these notes NOTE Make sure to test your code and check for logical errors Remember to use proper indentation when writing if elif and else statements
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