Introduction to Game Programming ITP 380 4 Units Objective This course provides students with an in depth introduction to technologies and techniques used in the game industry today At semester s end students will have Fall 2011 1 Implemented a variety of core game systems incl rendering input sound and collision physics 2 Developed a strong understanding of essential mathematics for games incl vectors and matrices 3 Written a fully functional game with XNA C as a team 4 Learned techniques and critical thinking required to continue further study in the field Concepts 3D mathematics for games Working with XNA The 3D graphics pipeline Game worlds and game objects Collision detection Introduction to game physics Events and scripting Introduction to animation and A I Implementing game play Getting a job in the game industry CSCI 102 or ITP 165 required Understanding of object oriented programming and Calculus strongly recommended Prerequisites Email madhav usc edu Preferred in almost all cases Instructor Sanjay Madhav Contacting the Instructor Office Hours TBD Lab Assistant Xin Liu liu15 usc edu Lecture 5 6 50PM M KAP 107 Lab 5 6 50PM W KAP 107 Course Structure Each week we will cover a specific game programming topic in lecture and this knowledge will be then applied in a corresponding lab assignment These assignments will also slowly build upon each student s individual game For the first half of the semester lab assignments will be assigned at the start of most lab periods with the expectation of completion by the subsequent lab period Students will receive weekly feedback on the current state of their individual game Roughly at the midpoint of the semester students will turn in their individual games for grade assessment With the exception of the group project all work must be done individually There are two exams that are comprehensive of all topics covered Game Engine Architecture Jason Gregory ISBN 1 56881 413 5 Essential XNA Game Studio 2 0 Programming Jim Perry and Allen Sherrod ISBN 1 59822 055 1 Required Textbooks Grading The course is graded with the following weights Individual Project Group Project Exams TOTAL POSSIBLE There is no curving Students will receive the grade they earn 25 35 40 100 Policies Make up policy for exams To make up for a missed exam the student must provide a satisfactory reason as determined by the instructor along with proper documentation Make up exams are only allowed under extraordinary circumstances Late Projects As there are only two due dates the entire semester late projects will not be accepted unless the student s meet the same criteria for making up exams Before logging off a computer students must ensure that they have emailed or saved projects created during the class or lab session Any work saved to the computer will be erased after restarting the computer ITP is not responsible for any work lost ITP offers Open Lab use for all students enrolled in ITP classes These open labs are held beginning the second week of classes through the last week of classes Please contact your instructor for specific times and days for the current semester The use of unauthorized material communication with fellow students during an examination attempting to benefit from the work of another student and similar behavior that defeats the intent of an examination or other class work is unacceptable to the University It is often difficult to distinguish between a culpable act and inadvertent behavior resulting from the nervous tension accompanying examinations When the professor determines that a violation has occurred appropriate action as determined by the instructor will be taken Although working together is encouraged all work claimed as yours must in fact be your own effort Students who plagiarize the work of other students will receive zero points and possibly be referred to Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards SJACS All students should read understand and abide by the University Student Conduct Code listed in SCampus and available at http www usc edu student affairs SJACS nonacademicreview html Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs DSP each semester A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP Please be sure the letter is delivered to me or to your TA as early in the semester as possible DSP is located in STU 301 and is open 8 30 a m 5 00 p m Monday through Friday The phone number for DSP is 213 740 0776 2 Academic Integrity Students with Disabilities Week 1 8 22 and 8 24 Course Intro and Mathematics for Games Course Outline Week 2 8 29 and 8 31 Game Programming Basics Course Introduction Vectors Matrices and Transforms Reading Gregory 4 1 4 4 1 Lab Lecture Overflow Vector and Matrix Problem Set Due 1 28 Intro to Quaternions The Game Loop Time in games Game Objects What they are and different representations Data Structures Review C Intro Reading Gregory 1 1 1 3 7 4 7 5 Perry Chapters 1 2 Lab Getting started with C XNA Week 3 9 7 Rendering Part 1 Color systems formats Rendering Pipeline Painter s Algorithm and Z Buffer Reading Gregory 10 1 Perry Chapter 7 pp 223 232 Chapter 9 pp Coordinate Spaces and Projections Week 4 9 12 and 9 14 Rendering Part 2 293 303 Lab XNAsteroids Loading and Rendering Meshes No class 9 5 due to Labor Day Lighting Shading and Texture Mapping Advanced Mapping Shadows Particle Effects Vertex and Pixel Shaders overview Reading Gregory 10 2 Perry Rest of Chapter 7 Lab XNAsteroids Lights Textures and Effects Week 5 9 19 and 9 21 Input Sound Human Input Devices Event Based Input Systems Sound basics Reading Gregory Chapter 8 Perry Chapter 4 pp 111 118 and 133 142 and 5 Lab XNAsteroids Adding Input and SFX Week 6 9 26 and 9 28 Collision Detection and Game Physics Part 1 Types of Collision Geometry Sphere Sphere swept and Sphere Plane Collision Rigid Body Dynamics Numeric Integration Reading Gregory 12 1 12 3 4 12 3 5 1 12 3 5 3 12 4 2 Week 7 10 3 and 10 5 Exam 1 during lecture hours Lab XNAsteroids Adding Shooting Collision 12 4 4 Lab Finish work on XNAsteroids XNAsteroids DUE 10 9 11 59PM 3 Week 8 10 10 and 10 12 Collision Detection and Game Physics Part 2 Introduction to advanced angular dynamics Raycasting Ray Plane and Ray Sphere Case Study Physics in Gears of War Physics Middleware Reading Gregory 12 3 7 12 2 Lab Form teams for group project Week 9 10 17 and 10 19 Camera Systems Week 10 10
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