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Chapter 3 HDD FDD SSD RAM Cache ODD CPU Register ALU GPU HDMI SSHD USB SATA IDE or EIDE PS2 BIOS NAS PCI PCI express AGP DMA 1 CPU Motherboard PS2 USB HDDFDDODDCPUALU SSDDMABIOSSATAEIDERAM PCIPCI expressAGP GPUHDMIUSB PS2 Contents 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 CPU RAM HDD ODD Video Card Sound Card 1 1 1 or motherboard 2 Central Processing Unit CPU 3 memory 4 bus 5 A GPU B C modem D E SCSI 1 2 CPU 1 CPU Central Processing Unit A ALU B register C Cache 1 2 CPU 1 ALU Arithmetic and Logical Unit A AND OR NOT 2 Control Unit A 3 register A CPU 1 2 stored program 1 2 CPU 3 ROM Boot Loader 1 3 RAM 1 A B 1 3 RAM 1 A B 2 A B 1 3 RAM 1 cell byte 8 A Most significant bit B Least significant bit C MSB 2 1 0 1 128 D LSB 2 1 0 1 1 1 3 RAM 1 A B 0 C 2 8 16 32 1 3 1 RAM Random Access Memory 2 DRAM Dynamic RAM volatile RAM 3 ROM Read Only Memory nonvolatile Writing ROM PROM EPROM CMOS BIOS 1 3 1 Kilobyte 210 1024 A Example 3 KB 3 1024 B kilo kibi 2 Megabyte 220 1 048 576 A Example 3 MB 3 1 048 576 B mega mebi 3 Gigabyte 230 1 073 741 824 A Example 3 GB 3 1 073 741 824 B giga gibi 4 Terabyte 240 A Example 1 TB 1 024 1 Gigabyte MB Mbytes MB Mbps 1 4 Mass Storage 1 A B 2 3 4 1 4 Mass Storage 1 Magnetic A N S B 3 5inch 2 5inch C DAT 4mm 8mm DLT 2 Optical A B CD C DVD 3 Flash Drive A B MicroSD Compact Flash CF SD Memory Stick 1 4 1 A HDD B HDD 1 4 1 Magnetic Tape 1 4 CD 1 CD DA Compact Disk for Digital Audio CD R CD RW DVD R DVD RW HDD 1 5 1 5 BUS 1 CPU 1 5 BUS 1 address bus A CPU B uni directional bus 2 data bus A CPU B bidirectional bus 3 control bus A CPU 1 5 BUS 1 CPU HDD FDD ODD VGA RAM LAN Card USB Ports 2

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KU CS 111 - Chapter 3

Course: Cs 111-
Pages: 26
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