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3 27 24 1 16 AM Syllabus Robotics Systems II Sec 001 Syllabus ECE 7425 Credits 4 WSU Catalog Description Course Abstract Robotic Systems II This course covers advanced robotics topics It will introduce students to the Robot Operating System and cover advanced topics that include path planning registration optimization and control of robotic systems The course will have guest lectures from specialists in the field e g Medical robotics Autonomous Vehicles etc and will have group projects and reports Goals To develop competence in designing developing and testing robotics systems and techniques Learning Objectives At the end of this course students will be able to 1 Develop simulations of robots in the Robot Operating System 2 Implement advanced topics such as path planning and optimization for robotic systems 3 Implement sensor based mapping and localization for robotic systems 4 Design and build implement robotic image guided systems using microcontrollers sensors motors and circuits 5 Read present and explain journal papers in the field Textbook None Research papers will be posted for review Students are expected to provide funds for their own research projects in place of a textbook Projects A group must be formed as early as possible Each group will be expected to turn in a proposal and project report have a mid term and final presentation and will be expected to create a project webpage In addition the review paper in your chosen project will be presented by individuals Each person will present a journal paper Each group will have one lead member who will organize the group Collaborative web tools are available online There will be 3 4 people in each group Assignments Each unit or group of units will have an individual assignment project This assignment is to be done independently Implementation of some system s software and hardware It can involve a review of a paper completing a problem answering essay questions and can include questions from the lectures given by the guest speakers Prerequisites ECE 5425 Introduction to Robotics Topics Unit1 ReviewOf5425 Robot Manipulation and Control https canvas wayne edu courses 194468 pages syllabus module item id 4524837 1 9 3 27 24 1 16 AM Syllabus Robotics Systems II Sec 001 Review of robot kinematics ROS implementation of serial link robots PID control Application NASA Surgical Unit 2 Introduction to Robot Operating System Python RVIZ Gazebo Unit 3 Motion Planning and Navigation Ground Aerial Application Military Autonomous Vehicles Unit 4 Sensing and Visualization Optical Imaging Surface Localization and Mapping SLAM LIDAR April Tags Unit 5 Robot Learning and Adaptation Camera calibration Object robot environment imaging registration Distribution of Points 50 personal effort 50 group effort 5 In class journal presentation 5 In class participation 40 individual assignments 3 4 mini projects 50 Final Project See the breakdown in the grade book there are 5 parts here Grading Scale 93 100 A 90 93 A 86 90 B 84 86 B 80 84 B Below C https canvas wayne edu courses 194468 pages syllabus module item id 4524837 2 9 3 27 24 1 16 AM Or Incomplete Syllabus Robotics Systems II Sec 001 Cheating Policy and Penalty for Cheating The students should not copy each other s reports or the internet Report questions should be answered independently A test of similarity will be made between answers The penalty will be a failure in the class Student Conduct It is the responsibility of each student to adhere to the principles of academic integrity Academic integrity means that a student is honest with him herself fellow students instructors and the University in matters concerning his or her educational endeavors Thus a student should not falsely claim the work of another as his her own or misrepresent him herself so that the measures of his her academic performance do not reflect his her own work or personal knowledge In this regard cheating will not be tolerated Cheating includes but is not limited to any communication written or oral during examinations and sharing of work such as using the same models or computer programs or copying work All homework and projects must be an individual effort unless specifically noted STUDENTS WHO CHEAT ON ANY ASSIGNMENT OR DURING ANY EXAMINATION WILL BE ASSIGNED A FAILING GRADE FOR THE COURSE Therefore avoid all appearances of improper behavior Students who witness cheating should report the incident to the instructor as soon as possible Students are also welcome to discuss any concerns related to cheating with Dr Michele Grimm Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Policy on Classroom Attendance All students are expected to attend all lectures presentations and examinations It is recognized that students may be required to miss classes on occasion because of their participation in approved University activities Examples of such activities include formal participation on University sports teams debate teams and performing arts groups These activities are generally directed by a University official such as a coach and usually have a set schedule of events Students participating in approved University activities should consult instructors prior to registration but no later than the end of the second week after the start of classes to determine the class attendance policy Now the student should provide the instructor with a schedule of planned absences preferably signed by the University official directing the activity e g Athletic or Program Director or his her designee to allow the instructor to evaluate and advise the student on the possible impact of the planned absences In this case the instructor will consider absences due to participation in approved University activities as outlined above to be excused absences on par with those due to other unavoidable circumstances such as illness and work related travel https canvas wayne edu courses 194468 pages syllabus module item id 4524837 3 9 3 27 24 1 16 AM Syllabus Robotics Systems II Sec 001 It is the student s responsibility to learn the course material When classes are missed for whatever reason it is the obligation of the students to obtain copies of the class materials and students are responsible for all materials covered in the lectures An excused absence does not excuse the student from completing assigned work including exams Academic Calendar Please Check this website for the appropriate dates like Start date last day to drop end date study dates final exam https

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