Syllabus No ECE 5470 Title Control Systems 2 Credits 3 LCT 3 WSU Catalog Description Prereq ECE 4470 State space representation of systems stability and Lyapunov methods controllability and observability of linear time invariant systems pole placement design using state feedback observer design optimal control linear quadratic regulators Kalman filter Y Coordinator Feng Lin Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Instructor Feng Lin Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Office Hours M W after class or by appointment Office Location Online see link below Phone 248 2250988 Email aa0986 wayne edu Course Meeting Time M W 5 30 PM 6 45 PM Course Meeting Location https wayne edu zoom us j 98298361975 pwd NkU3WUZjc2QzaW40Nm8zZHBhU2FVUT09 Goals Understand the control theory and state space techniques and methods for analysis and design of control systems Know how to use design and simulation software such as MATLAB Learning Objectives At the end of this course students will be able to 1 Derive state space representation of systems 2 Determine controllability and observability of linear time invariant systems 3 Design state feedback to place poles 4 Design full order state observers 5 Design observer based feedback control 6 Determine stability stabilizabilty and detectability of linear time invariant systems 7 Design optimal control 8 Design linear quadratic regulators 9 Design Kalman filter Wiley Sons ISBN 978 0 470 03191 9 Reference Texts none Textbook Robust Control Design An Optimal Control Approach by Feng Lin John Prerequisites by Topic 1 Electric circuits and Kirchhoff s laws 2 mechanical systems and Newton s laws 3 differential equations and their solutions 4 Laplace transform and its properties 5 Transfer functions and signal flow graphs 6 Stability of linear time invariant systems 7 Root locus technique Corequisites by Topic none Topics 1 Analysis of Linear Systems 3 weeks 2 Control of Linear Systems 4 weeks 3 Stability Theory 3 weeks 4 Optimal Control 3 weeks hours software Laboratory Resources none and Project 20 Course Structure The class meets twice a week two hours each for total 4 credit Computer Resources Students need to have access to computers with MATLAB Distribution of Points Quizzes 30 Homework 10 Attendance 10 Final 30 Grading Scale for Graduate Students A 95 100 A 90 94 B 87 89 B 83 86 B 80 82 C 77 79 C 73 76 C 70 72 F 0 69 will use grading curves if needed Grading Scale for Undergraduate Students A 95 100 A 90 94 B 87 89 B 83 86 B 80 82 C 77 79 C 73 76 C 70 72 D 60 69 F 0 59 will use grading curves if needed spent on the course Attendance Students are expected to attend all lectures The most common reasons for failing this course are 1 not attending all lectures and 2 not having sufficient time Homework Topic 1 Any 5 problems from 2 1 2 7 Topic 2 Any 8 problems from 2 8 2 21 Topic 3 Any 8 problems from 3 1 3 11 Topic 4 Any 8 problems from 4 1 4 11 Schedule Homework due One week after completing topics 1 2 3 Midterm March 4 2024 5 30 7 PM in person Project due April 15 2024 Final Exam April 24 2024 5 30 7 PM in person university schedule The last day to drop any class with a tuition refund is the end of the second week of classes The last day to withdraw from the class without a notation of W on the transcript is the end of the fourth week of classes Students must initiate withdrawals from the course All students who do not withdraw from the course will be given grades Makeup Exam and Makeup Assignment Policy No makeup exams No late assignments Outcome Coverage 1 an ability to identify formulate and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering science and mathematics The homework project quizzes and exams require direct applications of mathematical scientific and engineering knowledge to successfully complete the course 2 an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health safety and welfare as well as global cultural social environmental and economic factors The design in the project must be checked against real world operating limits 3 an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences Students are required to write a comprehensive report on the project 6 an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation analyze and interpret data and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions The homework and project require student to design conduct simulations using MATLAB and analyze simulation data The use of artificial intelligence AI tools systems I am here to help you to be successful in my class and am happy to meet with you to discuss any course assignments study strategies and other academic matters I want you to be able to think critically be analytical and be creative in your work in my class Since the goal is for you to develop your critical thinking skills ideas and critical perspectives on the class materials the use of any artificial intelligence AI content creation tool system e g Jasper ChatGPT Bard etc is not permitted Using AI in any shape or form will constitute a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and may subject you to charges of academic misconduct If you have difficulty with an assignment contact me attend office hours and or seek support from the Academic Success Center Cheating Policy and Penalty for Cheating Cheating is defined by the University as intentionally using or attempting to use or intentionally providing or attempting to provide unauthorized materials information or assistance in any academic exercise This includes any group efforts on assignments or exams unless specifically approved by the professor for that assignment exam Evidence of fabrication or plagiarism as defined by the University in its brochure Academic Integrity will also result in downgrading for the course Students who cheat on any assignment or during any examination will be assigned a failing grade for the course Students with Disabilities If you have a documented disability that requires accommodations you will need to register with Student Disability Services for coordination of your academic accommodations The Student Disability Services SDS office is located at 1600 David Adamany Undergraduate Library in the Student Academic Success Services department SDS telephone number is 313 577 1851 or 313 577 3365 TTD only Once you have your accommodations in place I will be glad to meet with you privately during my office
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