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PHYS1003 ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES LECTURE 1 Introduction and Human Energy Consumption 1 TEACHING TEAM INSTRUCTORS L1 L2 Dr CHEUNG Man Fung cheungmf ust hk Rm 4444 ext 7484 Prof JAECK Berthold bjaeck ust hk Rm 4435 ext 7495 2 TEACHING TEAM SUPPORTING STAFFS Mr LI Cheung Shun Mr DENG Wenzhe wdengal connect ust hk Patrick cslia ust hk Course Admin Help Desk Lecture Assistant hk Mr SANKAR Soumya ssankar connect ust Demo Assistant 3 WHAT IS THE CLASS USEFUL FOR INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify fossil fuels and other energy resources we are using and the issues arising from the use of these energy resources Explain the thermodynamic constraint of energy conversion List the engines used in land sea and air transportations as well as in the generation of electricity Explain how the consumption of fossil fuels enables our modern lives Discuss environmental effects of energy generation in Hong Kong and the world 4 AFTER THIS COURSE you will gain TRANSFERABLE COMPETENCIES Analytical ability Critical thinking INTERDISCIPLINARY COURSE a mixture of social and natural science ABOUT THE COURSE This is NOT a typical physics course where you need to solve advanced equations but knowledge of basic physics concept such as kinetic energy potential energy Ohm s law Newton s laws etc are expected Observations Issue Analysis Conclusion data calculation numbers Conclusion and Decision based on evidence Data Scientific Thinking We live at a time when emotions and feelings count more than truth and there is a vast ignorance of science James Lovelock 6 TEACHING MATERIALS Lecture Notes and Readings On Canvas Module Textbook Reference Sustainable energy without the hot air David MacKay Cambridge 2008 Electronic copy is available for free on http www withouthotair com Demos and Short Videos Demonstrations and short videos help to illustrate the physics principles in common phenomena we come across in this course Links to the demo videos can be found in the lecture notes or canvas module Further Readings Data Resources Energy A Beginner s Guide Vaclav Smil Oneworld Publishers Oxford 2006 Gapminder World www gapminder org Our World in Data ourworldindata org 7 ASSESSMENTS Grading Scheme Question of the Day 10 Midterm 40 Project 50 25 Report 25 Poster Presentation Project Group project 3 persons in a group 8 SCHEDULE Important Dates Midterm Date Oct 15 Sunday 10am 11 30am Location On campus Coverage Lecture 1 11 Project Report Submission Nov 27 Poster Presentation Nov 30 during lecture 9 DON T KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON Let me know after each lecture Short online survey at the end of each lecture Help Desk Date Time Every Wednesday 11am 12nn except public holiday Venue Rm G003 CYT Building near LT L Starting from Sept 6 Homework ungraded No submission required Solution will be provided about one or two weeks after they are posted Midterm Sample Paper on Canvas Module 10 COURSE RULES Phone must be silent Laptop or tablet can be used but only for displaying lecture notes or other information relevant to the course No video games on electronic devices is allowed Repeated violation will be expelled from the classroom 11 COURSE RULES Plagiarism is presenting work which is not your own and originates from other sources as if it is your own from HKUST ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Academic Code of Honor http ugadmin ust hk integrity honor html Good Learning Environment http ugadmin ust hk news news ug2 html Academic Dishonesty Plagiarism http ugadmin ust hk integrity student 1 html http ugadmin ust hk integrity student 4 html 12 STUDENT ENGAGEMENT 13 STUDENT ENGAGEMENT Question of the Day QoD Graded starting from Lecture 5 In Class Demos 14 QUESTION OF THE DAY Apply what you have learnt Discussion with classmate Find relevant information online Answer in few sentences with reasoning and or calculations One graded QoD per lecture 15 20 min Submit answer on Canvas before 11 59pm on the day after the lecture Begin grading from L5 L2 L4 for practice EXAMPLE Daily energy use per capita in HK is equivalent to how many McDonald s Big Macs 15 PHYSICS AND MATH YOU WILL NEED TO USE Physics Metrics Density Mass Kinematics Speed Acceleration Newton s Laws Force Frictions Energy Work Mechanical Energy Thermodynamics Heat Engines Math Arithmetic Addition Multiplication Power Exponents 16 Why should you concern about ENERGY 17 Energy enables our wonderful life 18 19 we are also making these 20 21 The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992 UNFCCC stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system Kyoto Protocol 1997 Global warming caused predominantly by human made CO2 Paris Agreement 2015 Keep 1 5 2 C starting from 2020 23 https unfccc int news climate commitments not on track to meet paris agreement goals as ndc synthesis report is published 24 25 REFLECT OUR WAY OF LIFE MOTIVATION Innovation to zero Bill Gates http www youtube com watch v JaF fq2Zn7I 26 Lectures Themes 01 Introduction to the course and Human Energy Consumption 02 Fossil Fuels Temperature 03 Heat and Internal Energy 04 Laws of Thermodynamics I Work 1st Law of Thermodynamics 05 Laws of Thermodynamics II Typical Processes with Ideal Gas Heat Engines 06 Laws of Thermodynamics III Entropy Carnot Cycle 07 Heat Engines and Heat Pumps in our daily lives 08 Otto Diesel and Jet 09 Car ship and air transportation 10 Electricity I Physics of Electricity 11 Electricity II Electricity Generation and Distribution 12 Energy consumption in our daily lives I 13 Energy consumption in our daily lives II 14 Waterpower 15 Wind Power 16 Solar Power generation and storage 17 Nuclear Power I Fission 18 Nuclear Power II Fusion 19 Environmental Impacts from of non renewable energy I 20 Environmental Impacts from of non renewable energy II 21 Global warming and Climate change Overview of the Need for Energy Major Energy Source Fossil Fuels Energy Conversion from Heat to Motion Engines and Transportation Energy Conversion from Motion to Electricity Electricity Distribution and Storage Energy Consumption in Daily Lives Other Energy Sources non renewables and renewables Environmental Impacts Climate Change 27 Lectures Themes 01 Introduction to the course and Human Energy Consumption 02 Fossil Fuels Temperature 03 Heat and Internal Energy 04 Laws of Thermodynamics I Work 1st Law of Thermodynamics 05 Laws of Thermodynamics II Typical Processes with Ideal Gas Heat Engines 06 Laws of

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hkust PHYS 1003 - Introduction and Human Energy Consumption

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