USC CSCI 578 Software Architectures Spring 2024 Team Project 1 Research Paper Presentation For this project your team will randomly be assigned to a research paper to present The pool of candidate papers has been pre selected from software architecture conferences and journals from the last five years The goals of the project include Getting to know the current trend in software architecture research Experiencing reviewing and critiquing academic papers Team building and collaborating with peers Your team will get 15 minutes Use the first 14 minutes for the presentation and save the last minute for questions The presentation must include A summary of the paper o The main objective of the research o The research question o The research methodology o The data or results o The conclusion o What the paper discusses about how the research may impact the o What your team thinks about if and how the research may impact the software engineering practice and the real world The practical implications software engineering practice and the real world The future work i e the next step of the research o What the paper suggests as future work o What your team thinks should be the future work Your presentation should also answer the following questions some of the sub questions may not apply to your paper Q1 How does this research differ from the previous research o Does the paper provide a literature review result 1 o What are the previous research papers that the paper cites o What are the key differences that the paper contributes that the previous research papers did not Q2 How appropriate is the research methodology study theoretical analysis etc o What research methodology is used e g experiment survey case o Is the experimental procedure or study design appropriate to answer o Does the paper provide sufficient detail about the research the research question methodology e g techniques tools instruments participants etc Q3 How valid is the result and interpretation o Is the data source reliable o Does the paper analyze the result rigorously o Does the paper provide a sound statistical analysis result o Does the paper identify potential weaknesses of the result or interpretation e g threats to validity or limitations o Does the paper discuss the reproducibility of the result o Are the conclusions supported by the evidence presented o Is it easy and fun to read to you o Are the sections well organized o Do the figures and tables clearly demonstrate the contents o Do the figures and tables appear necessary and add value to the Q4 How well does the paper present the research overall presentation of the paper Logistics Presentation dates At least three of the team members must participate in the presentation Presentation location and method o On campus teams will give the presentation in the classroom o DEN teams will give the presentation during class time via Zoom o Week 6 February 15 o Week 7 February 22 o Week 10 March 21 o Week 12 April 4 o Week 13 April 11 o Week 14 April 18 o Week 15 April 25 2 Each team will randomly be assigned to a date Two teams will present on each date during the last 30 minutes of the class Email us if your date will not work so we can find an alternative date Deliverables Submit at least one visual aid you use during the presentation e g presentation slides via D2L by the end of the day you give the presentation Grading Of the 30 allocated for team projects this presentation will be 10 o Presentation grading criteria 100 points total A summary of the paper 30 points The practical implications 15 points The future work 15 points Q1 5 points Q2 5 points Q3 5 points Q4 5 points Presentation quality 5 points Presentation timing 5 points Visual aid submission 10 points The remaining 20 will be Team Project 2 the collaborative design and implementation exercise we will release the details later Candidate Papers Riccardo Pinciroli Aldeida Aleti and Catia Trubiani Performance Modeling and Analysis of Design Patterns for Microservice Systems 2023 IEEE 20th International Conference on Software Architecture ICSA IEEE 2023 Mohamed Soliman Kirsten Gericke and Paris Avgeriou Where and What do Software Architects Blog An Exploratory Study on Architectural Knowledge in Blogs and their Relevance to Design Steps 2023 IEEE 20th International Conference on Software Architecture ICSA IEEE 2023 C line Madeleine Aldenhoven and Ralf Sascha Engelschall The beauty of software architecture 2023 IEEE 20th International Conference on Software Architecture ICSA IEEE 2023 Aurora Mac as Elena Navarro Carlos E Cuesta and Uwe Zdun Architecting Digital Twins Using a Domain Driven Design Based Approach 2023 IEEE 20th International Conference on Software Architecture ICSA IEEE 2023 3 Jenny T Liang Maryam Arab Minhyuk Ko Amy J Ko and Thomas D LaToza A Qualitative Study on the Implementation Design Decisions of Developers Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE 2023 Stephen John Warnett and Uwe Zdun Architectural design decisions for machine learning deployment 2022 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Architecture ICSA IEEE 2022 Mahmoud M Hammad Ibrahim Abueisa and Sam Malek Tool assisted componentization of Java applications 2022 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Architecture ICSA IEEE 2022 Sumon Biswas Mohammad Wardat and Hridesh Rajan The Art and Practice of Data Science Pipelines A Comprehensive Study of Data Science Pipelines In Theory In The Small and In The Large Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE 2022 Duc Minh Le Suhrid Karthik Marcelo Schmitt Laser and Nenad Medvidovic Architectural Decay as Predictor of Issue and Change Proneness 2021 IEEE 18th International Conference on Software Architecture ICSA IEEE 2021 Joshua Garcia Mehdi Mirakhorli Lu Xiao Yutong Zhao Ibrahim Mujhid Khoi Pham Ahmet Okutan Sam Malek Rick Kazman Yuanfang Cai and Nenad Medvidovic Constructing a Shared Infrastructure for Software Architecture Analysis and Maintenance 2021 IEEE 18th International Conference on Software Architecture ICSA IEEE 2021 Zipani Tom Sinkala and Sebastian Herold InMap Automated Interactive Code to Architecture Mapping Recommendations 2021 IEEE 18th International Conference on Software Architecture ICSA IEEE 2021 Adriana Sejfia and Nenad Medvidovi Strategies for Pattern Based Detection of Architecturally Relevant Software Vulnerabilities 2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture
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