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USC CSCI 578 Software Architectures Spring 2024 Homework Assignment 1 Due Wednesday February 14 2024 see D2L for submission details For this assignment you must choose one of the three case study assignments provided below Big Data C4 or BOINC There are three appendices I III each of which describes the corresponding case study pertaining to a large scale software system Your assignment will be slightly different depending on your choice of case study but all three options are comparable in difficulty These case studies aim to help you understand how to do the following Decompose the description of a desired system and its requirements into components and connectors styles Understand how designs you come up with typically exhibit one or more architectural Weigh the tradeoffs of selecting one architectural style over another Understand how your design succeeds or fails in satisfying requirements and addressing Explain how a use case scenario relates to the architecture that you design architectural challenges Your choice of a particular case study will in no way impact your grade on this assignment Solving more than one assignment is not expected and will not result in any extra credit Please focus on a single case study You must clearly indicate which case study you have selected Note that there is no limit on which language to use when drawing the diagrams You are recommended to use diagram drawing software You may also draw with a pen on a paper and then scan it In any case the diagrams must be clear and readable to the grader Big Data Case Study Assignment In this case study we will focus on selecting and designing a set of components connectors and architectural styles that satisfy the requirements and complete the challenges of the Big Data Bioinformatics System hereafter referred to as the BD system 1 Draw a diagram of your BD system architecture Include the components connectors and associations between components and connectors in your diagram Please ensure that your diagram is readable Note that there is no such thing as the correct or optimal architecture However as a granularity guideline your decomposition of BD should consist of no less than 15 distinct components 1 Submit one diagram 2 Provide a description of each component and connector Your description should name each component explain the key functionalities of each component and explain the set of connectors selected for the system We recommend that you answer this question as a bulleted or numbered list or in the form of a table 3 Two architectural styles e g layered or piper and filter should be selected as part of your design Describe the style constraints e g types of components and connectors and constraints on which of these elements can communicate with each other and the non functional properties exhibited by the style Explain which components and connectors from your design adhere to the style constraints of your selected styles If you have decided to include a connector not typically associated with your selected architectural styles please explain why you chose to deviate from your chosen styles Please limit your answer to 2 paragraphs 4 For each of the two styles you selected select a different style and describe at least two advantages your selected style has over this new style In total you will be considering four styles and describing four advantages Please limit your answer to 1 paragraph 5 Select a subset of your components and connectors and describe how they satisfy two of the requirements of the BD system Please avoid saying that all your components and connectors together satisfy the two requirements Instead describe how the functionalities or properties of each component and or connector work together to satisfy a particular requirement Please limit your answer to 1 paragraph 6 Select a subset of your components and connectors and describe how they deal with the two of the key architectural challenges of the BD system Please avoid saying that all your components and connectors together deal with the two architectural challenges Instead describe how the functionalities or properties of each component and or connector work together to complete a particular challenge Please limit your answer to 2 paragraphs in mind 1 This is only a guideline There is nothing magical about this number nor do we have a specific preferred solution 7 Come up with a use case scenario for the BD system then describe each component and connector involved in that use case scenario If you can only think of a use case scenario that involves only two components then describe a second use case scenario involving another two components Please limit your answer to 1 or 2 paragraphs C4 Case Study Assignment The Call Center Customer Care C4 Case Study provided as an appendix to this assignment presents an initial high level Level 1 architectural breakdown for the system used by a large telecommunications company This system comprises several subsystems one of which is C4 itself 1 The lectures and readings have begun discussing the architectural design process including the selection of architectural styles Not all styles are applicable to all systems and any choice of style will involve making trades on various system attributes Pick any two styles that you have read about and design two different architectures for the C4 system one that adheres to each style In order to apply a style you will need to create a detailed architectural breakdown a Level 2 architectural breakdown for C4 In other words expand the C4 box shown in the figure on page 1 in the Case Study into an architecture It is of course difficult to decide on the exact degree of detail to be provided in a Level 2 architecture such as the one required for this assignment Make sure to show all the connectors inside the C4 architecture as well as those that interconnect C4 to the other parts of the system Moreover you should graphically distinguish different types of connectors used in your design Also there is no such thing as the correct or optimal architecture However as a granularity guideline your decomposition of C4 should consist of no less than 15 distinct components 2 You are not required to select a style from the course textbook 3 but you must let us know what style you are attempting to apply and provide a reference if the style is not one from the course text Submit one diagram for each architecture you design 2 Give a brief rationale for your

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USC CSCI 578 - Homework Assignment #1

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