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THE HOLY GREAT FAST The holy spiritual struggle or Drawing closer to God E WEEK S THEME WEEKDAYS The Holy Spiritual Procession WEEKEND The Savior s Grace Sunday s Holy Gospel Reading Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Preparation for Procession Reject Evil Mk 9 33 50 Cleave to Good Lk 12 41 50 Love Give Lk 6 35 38 Grow in Spirit Pray Submit MK 4 21 29 LK 11 1 10 Be Perfect Mt 5 38 48 Nature of Procession STRUGGLE Pray Always Lk 18 1 8 Follow Christ Mk 10 17 27 Assurance Mt 15 32 38 3 Purity of Procession REPENTANCE Confession of Repentance Lk 11 33 36 Righteousness of Repentance Jn 8 31 39 Build on Difficulties on the Road Mt 7 13 21 Reject Give Follow Mt 19 16 30 Judgment of Repentance Jn 12 44 50 Rock Lk 6 39 49 Faithfulness of Repentance Lk 11 14 26 Temptation of Repentance Lk 4 1 13 Constitution of Procession THE HOLY GOSPEL Spirit of the Holy Gospel Lk 16 1 9 Spreading the Holy Gospel Lk 9 57 62 Peace of the Holy Gospel Mk 4 35 41 Light of the Holy Gospel Lk 18 35 43 Faith in the Holy Gospel Mt 15 21 31 Target of Procession FAITH Submission Service in in Faith Faith Hope in Faith Lk 9 12 17 Jn 8 12 20 Lk 13 6 9 Freedom Sentence of through Faith Lk 13 10 17 Faith Jn 8 21 27 Mt 23 13 39 Identity in Procession BAPTISM Repentance Baptism Lk 13 1 5 Witnessing in Judgment of Baptism Lk 9 18 22 Baptism Lk 11 45 52 Jn 6 47 71 Life of Baptism Rebirth in Baptism Jn 3 1 13 Baptism Mk 10 46 52 Salvation of Enlightment of 7 End of Procession SALVATION Savior s Witnesses Jn 5 31 47 Confessing the Savior Jn 12 36 43 Faith in the Savior s Savior Jn 6 35 45 Resurrection Mk 12 18 27 Savior s Judgment Lk 13 31 35 Seek the Kingdom Mt 6 19 33 Do not lay up treasures Seek 1st the Kingdom Victory Mt 4 1 11 Temptation in the Wilderness Forgiveness of Repentance Mt 18 23 35 Acceptance of Repentance Lk 15 11 32 The Prodigal Son Works Fruits of the Holy Gospel Mt 21 33 46 Guidance by Faith Glory of the Holy Gospel Jn 4 1 42 Strengthening the Faith Jn 5 1 18 Baptism Jn 9 1 41 Savior s Salvation Mt 21 1 17 Mk 11 1 11 Lk 19 29 48 Jn 12 12 19 Savior s Blessing Jn 11 1 45 Raising of Lazarus Samaritan Woman Healing the Paralytic Healing the Man Born Blind Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem PALM SUNDAY W E E K 1 2 4 5 6 T H E M E e l g g u r t s n o i s s e c o r p e h t f o s e r u t a e f e h T e l g g u r t s e h t f o s t i u r f e h T P A R T O N E T W O

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