Pacu Final Exam

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pacu final exam During induction what physiologic responses are most likely to occur during Stage II of general anesthesia A Loss of voluntary responses B Laryngospasm vomiting or cardiac arrest C Respiratory and circulatory failure verified answer B Laryngospasm vomiting or cardiac arrest Which statement accurately demonstrates confirmation when communicating with a patient and family A The information you tell me today will be shared with other healthcare team members B Would you like to talk about anything else C I understand you re worried about your son s surgery today verified answer B Would you like to talk about anything else Which statement accurately characterizes airway differences between pediatric patients and adult patients A The pediatric patient s tongue is small relative to the size of the oropharynx compared to the adult s normal size tongue B The pediatric patient s larynx is located at a higher level than the adult patient s larynx C The narrowest portion of a pediatric airway is at the vocal cords and the narrowest part of an adult airway is the subglottic area at the cricoid cartilage verified answer B The pediatric patient s larynx is located at a higher level than the adult patient s larynx You are caring for a patient who sustained bilateral tibial fractures following a fall down a flight of stairs Despite receiving several doses of pain medication as ordered the patient rates his pain as 8 out of 10 on a numeric pain scale You note that while both legs are swollen and bruised the right is more affected than the left and you have difficulty palpating pedal pulses in that leg Which intervention is LEAST likely to be effective for this patient A Apply a warm compress to the right leg B Immediately notify the surgeon C Elevate the right leg to heart level verified answer A Apply a warm compress to the right leg Which radiology study is MOST effective at evaluating pneumothorax in a patient with a chest tube A Positron emission tomography PET scan B Computed tomography CT scan C Chest x ray verified answer C Chest x ray Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding communication with the anesthesia provider about changes in a patient s condition A Communication about changes in a patient s condition can occur by telephone or in face to face conversation B You do not have to document communication about changes in a patient s condition if the anesthesia provider writes an order for treatment C Communication about changes in a patient s condition should always be documented in the patient s record Previous verified answer B You do not have to document communication about changes in a patient s condition if the anesthesia provider writes an order for treatment Which statement is most accurate concerning postoperative hyperthermia in a pediatric patient A Fever caused by infection usually occurs later than fever caused by other factors B Anesthetic agents typically cause an elevation in core body temperature C Fever in an infant does not typically indicate infection verified answer A Fever caused by infection usually occurs later than fever caused by other factors What is the perianesthesia nurse s primary responsibility when administering procedural sedation during an interventional procedure A Assist the practitioner with the procedure B Monitor and assess the patient C Document all medications given verified answer B Monitor and assess the patient Manuela age 7 has a history of recent upper respiratory infection URI She arrives to the postanesthesia care unit PACU with difficulty breathing You note decreased breath sounds in all lung fields decreased oxygen saturation level and overall cyanosis After immediately notifying the anesthesia provider what is your priority nursing intervention A Provide 100 percent oxygen via positive pressure mask ventilation B Place Manuela in the left lateral position C Prepare to administer inhaled bronchodilators as ordered verified answer A Provide 100 percent oxygen via positive pressure mask ventilation Which illness related stressor is MOST likely to affect a middle age adult patient A Long term effects of illness B Altered body image C Loss of control verified answer A Long term effects of illness Which statement made by a patient requires further teaching and reinforcement about hair removal before surgery A I should shave off all my hair around the surgical site the night before my surgery B You ll use clippers to remove my hair on the morning of my surgery C I shouldn t shave off my hair because you ll remove it for me before I have my surgery verified answer B You ll use clippers to remove my hair on the morning of my surgery Which of the following is an example of a nonexperimental observational study A A review of core body temperature measurements upon arrival to the postanesthesia care unit PACU B A comparison of core body temperatures of patients who received prewarming measures versus patients who did not C A comparison of core body temperatures of patients who received warmed intravenous IV fluids versus those who received IV fluids at room temperature verified answer A A review of core body temperature measurements upon arrival to the postanesthesia care unit PACU You are caring for a patient in the postanesthesia care unit PACU following an open craniotomy for brain tumor resection He arrived in the PACU intubated and on mechanical ventilation but could follow basic commands You now note that his arms are in a fixed flexed position What is your primary intervention A Immediately notify the surgeon B Continue to observe the patient and perform neurologic checks as ordered C Administer an anxiolytic and pain medication verified answer A Immediately notify the surgeon You are caring for Leo age 15 who received a neuromuscular blocking agent during surgery and then received atropine and neostigmine to reverse its effects Based on your knowledge of the combined use of atropine and neostigmine which physiologic parameter should you closely monitor in Leo A Heart rate B Core body temperature C Blood pressure verified answer A Heart rate Which statement is most accurate when evaluating pain in a preterm infant A Pain responses in a preterm infant are typically behaviorally blunted or absent B Preterm infants are not neurologically capable of feeling pain C Preterm infants display pain through facial expressions such as closed eyes verified answer A Pain responses in a preterm infant are typically behaviorally

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