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TAM4000 YOUN Individual work 14 How many sessions were made from the top landing page And what is the revenue in May 2020 Sessions 33 018 Revenue 2 233 15 Conversion Goals Overview 15 What were four goals that this store had in May 2020 What did they complete in each goal 4 Goals the store had in May 2020 with completions are store html quickview 1 213 yourinfo html 1 103 store html 1 061 basket html 423 16 After navigating numbers and performance during the May 2020 as a digital marketer what are your two key suggestions to increase new visitors in this store Explain them with the insight that you can get from google analytics To increase new visitors in the store I would say play into the female demographic a little more with relevant key terms It really surprised me that the male demographic was smaller than the female because the female online shopping demographic is very important to stores To get this new demographic in I would use different key words that would catch their eye like trending google store or clothing store google merchandise Something that would make females find and use googles merchandise store more often TAM4000 YOUN Individual work Apple iphone was used the most 38 93 6 Compared the revenue made from the desktop with the revenue from the mobile Desktop revenue 1 407 99 Mobile Revenue 3 169 89 Acquisition Traffic Channels 7 Of all the channel groups which drove the most users in May 2020 Organic 8 How many users did the channel group Referral drive in May 2020 6 766 2 557 9 How many sessions did the channel group Social drive in May 2020 10 What channel group drove the most revenue in May 2020 How much revenue did it drive Organic search drove the most with 4 023 89 Acquisition Google Ad 11 What are three most searched keywords in May 2020 Google Merchandise Store Google Merchandise Google Clothing 12 How many total clicks on google ad were recorded in May 2020 317 13 How much this store paid for their ads in total May arch 2020 115 05 Behavior Site content TAM4000 YOUN Individual work Following all steps and answer to questions below This is an individual assignment Work and upload this document to Canvas Audience Overview 1 How many users did the Google Merchandise Store have in May 2020 2 How many sessions did the Google Merchandise Store have in May 2020 Audience Demographics 3 Explain demographics age and gender of visitors of the website in May 50 922 66 525 2020 Male 14 258 Female 9 231 25 34 8 926 18 24 5 730 35 44 3 401 45 54 1 833 55 64 1 051 65 818 Audience Behavior 4 How many returning visitors did the store have in May 2020 What was their Bounce Rate in May 2020 How much revenue was made from them in May 2020 Returning Visitors 10 135 Bounce rate 42 11 Revenue 1 600 44 Audience Mobile percentage 5 What device did visitors i e users use most in May 2020 What was the TAM4000 YOUN Individual work Step 02 This is the page view that you have to view Step 03 Make sure that it is 1 Master View and change the duration to May 1 2020 May 31 2020 and answer following questions TAM4000 YOUN Individual work Assignment 03 Google Analytics GOOGLE ANALYTICS DEMO ACCOUNT To enhance your learning explore an in demand website analytics tool by using the Google Analytics demo account Instructions for accessing this demo account are available from Google https support google com analytics answer 6367342 hl en Step 01 Go to the link above and click the Universal Analytics property 4 Assignment 03 Google Analytics docx Users savannahholsman Library Containers com microsoft Word Dat Filename Directory a Documents Template Title Subject Author Keywords Comments Creation Date Change Number Last Saved On Last Saved By Total Editing Time Last Printed On As of Last Complete Printing Normal dotm Youn Song yi 10 19 23 8 26 00 PM 2 10 19 23 8 26 00 PM Holsman Savannah MU Student 0 Minutes 10 19 23 8 26 00 PM Number of Pages 5 Number of Words 542 approx Number of Characters 3 093 approx

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Mizzou TAM 4000 - Assignment 03

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