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In this section we introduces C programming a popular language aimed at being dynamic efficient and having additional features over C language C is a general purpose case sensitive pre compiled language that supports features of high level and low level languages including object oriented procedural and functional programming The speaker provides a beginner friendly introduction to the language with a demonstration of writing the first program that prints Hello World using C s in built IO functions The speaker also covers the basic types of data type keywords that define variables including boolean character and integer data types In this section we covers various concepts in C starting with data types including float variables arrays and strings Then the video moves on to conditional statements such as if else statements and loops like for and while loops Finally we introduces functions in C which are a collection of statements designed to carry out specific tasks and can be implemented by simply calling the function The syntax for declaring and naming a function is also discussed In this section the tutorial introduces beginners to function invocation array manipulation for loops if statements and variable initialization using the C programming language The instructor walks viewers through an example of finding the number of even and odd elements in an array by writing code in a new file using a code editor They explain step by step how every element of the array is evaluated using an if statement and the even and odd variables incremented accordingly before printing out the results In this section of the C tutorial the instructor creates a program that prints even and odd numbers using arrays with a for loop and if else statements The code initializes variables for even and odd numbers uses a for loop to iterate through array elements separates the even and odd numbers using if else statements and prints them outside the for loop The instructor then demonstrates how to write a program that prints elements from 1 to 20 using a while loop and a function where the function initializes an integer variable applies a while loop to print elements and increments the integer variable until it reaches 20 which gets printed as part of the output In this section we teaches about creating a string in C and performing push back and pop back operations on it The code starts with including the iostream header file and creating a string variable named s Then using getline to take string input and printing the entered the string Next the s push back function is used to add an element at the end of the string following which s pop back function is used to delete an element from the end Finally the program is ended with a return value of zero In this section we covers the use of pushback and popback functions in C A string is created for Barcelona but the letter y is missing so pushback function is used to add it Then popback function is used to delete the last element which is the letter y More examples on arrays for loops if else functions and strings are provided for beginners to practice and gain a better understanding of the basics of C

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