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0Roll No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Printed Page 1 of 1 Subject Code BP301T B PHARM SEM III THEORY EXAMINATION 2020 21 PHARMACEUTICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II Time 3 Hours Note 1 Attempt all Sections If require any missing data then choose suitably Total Marks 75 SECTION A 10 x 2 20 Attempt all questions in brief 1 a Define aromaticity b Why phenol is acidic c Why p nitroaniline is less basic than aniline d Write the definition of RM value e Discuss the difference between drying and nondrying oil with example f What do you understand by angle strain g Write the different conformations of ethane h i Predict the structure and medicinal uses of DDT and Naphthalene j What is banana bonding Illustrate the principle of saponification value Attempt any two parts of the following 2 a Explain the methods of preparations and chemical reactions of Phenol b Discuss in detail about the methods of preparations chemical reactions of naphthalene c Write in detail about the methods of preparation and chemical reactions of cycloalkanes 2 x 10 20 SECTION B AKTU Q P20E290Q P 09 M ar 2021 13 59 09 117 55 242 131 SECTION C Attempt any five parts of the following 3 5 x7 35 a Explain effect of substituents on reactivity and orientation of mono substituted benzene compounds towards electrophilic substitution reaction b Write about analytical synthetic and other evidence in the derivation of structure of benzene c Discuss Basicity of amines and effect of substituents on basicity of amines d Write a detailed note on Iodine value e Discuss the Haworth synthesis of Anthracene and Phenanthrene f g What do you mean by fats oils and waxes Discuss the chemical reactions of fats oils Illustrate in detail about Baeyer s Strain theory with its limitations and waxes AKTU QP20E290QP 09 Mar 2021 13 59 09 117 55 242 131 1 P a g e m o c e n i l n o u t k a w w w Printed Page 1 of 1 Paper Id 150301 Roll No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Code BP301T B PHARM SEM III THEORY EXAMINATION 2019 20 PHARMACEUTICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II Time 3 Hours Note 1 Attempt all Sections If require any missing data then choose suitably Total Marks 75 SECTION A 1 0 x 2 20 Attempt all questions in brief 1 a cid 32 Give structure and uses of DDT b cid 32 Give molecular orbital picture of benzene c cid 32 Why phenol is acidic in nature d cid 32 What is Friedal craft acylation Explain with suitable reaction e cid 32 Give structure and uses of Naphthols f cid 32 Explain acid value g cid 32 Give Hawarth synthesis of phenanthrene h cid 32 Give stability order of cycloalkanes i cid 32 Draw any four aromatic structures j cid 32 Give structure and uses of diphenylmethane SECTION B SECTION C Attempt any two parts of the following 2 a cid 32 Give structure preparation and properties of phenol b cid 32 Give analytical synthetic and other evidences in derivation of structure of benzene c cid 32 Write a note on theory of strainless ring 2 x 10 20 3 Attempt any five parts of the following a cid 32 Give Huckel s theory with suitable examples b cid 32 Give structure preparation and properties of benzoic acid c Give cid 32 effect cid 32 of cid 32 substituent cid 32 on cid 32 orientation cid 32 of cid 32 monosubstituted cid 32 benzene cid 32 compounds 5 x 7 35 towards electrophilic substitution reaction d cid 32 Explain saponification and iodine number e cid 32 Give reactions of fat and oils f cid 32 Give Baeyer s strain theory and its limitation g cid 32 Give structure preparation and properties of naphthalene http www aktuonline com 1 Page Printed Pages 1 Paper Id 150301 Rol l No Sub Code BP301T B PHARM SEM III THEORY EXAMINATION 2018 19 PHARMACEUTICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II Total Marks 75 10 x 2 20 Time 3 Hours Note 1 Attempt all Sections SECTION A Attempt all questions in brief 1 a cid 32 Write a short note on resonance structure of benzene b cid 32 Give the structure and uses of Saccharin c cid 32 What are phenols Give physical properties of it d cid 32 Give resonance structure and uses of Resorcinol e cid 32 What is the difference between fats and oils f cid 32 Define Iodine number Iodine value g cid 32 Define acetyl value Give its signification h cid 32 What are the uses of triphenylmethane i cid 32 Give physical and chemical properties of naphthalene j cid 32 Define cycloalkanes SECTION B SECTION C Attempt any two parts of the following 2 a cid 32 Explain cid 32 aromatic cid 32 electrophilic cid 32 substitution cid 32 reactions cid 32 in cid 32 Benzene cid 32 with cid 32 respect cid 32 to 2 x 10 20 halogenation with mechanism b cid 32 Give structures synthesis reactions and uses of Anthracene derivatives cid 32 c cid 32 Explain Baeyer strain theory of stability of Cycloalkanes and give its limitations Attempt any five parts of the following 3 a cid 32 Give the structure and uses of DDT BHC and Chloramine b cid 32 Define aromatic amines and give resonance structure of aniline Explain basicity of 7 x 5 35 aromatic amines and effect of substituent c cid 32 Explain the principle involved in determination of saponification value of a fat oil d cid 32 Why phenols are acidic in nature Explain effect of substituents on acidity of phenols e cid 32 What is principle and procedure involved in estimation of acid value of fat oil f cid 32 Give structure synthesis and importance of diphenylmethane g cid 32 Explain Sache Mohr theory of stability of cycloalkanes Give reactions of cyclopropane and cyclobutane http www aktuonline com 0Roll No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Printed Page 1 of 1 Subject Code BP302T B PHARM SEM III THEORY EXAMINATION 2020 21 PHYSICAL PHARMACEUTICS I Time 3 Hours Note 1 Attempt all Sections If require any missing data then choose suitably Total Marks 75 SECTION A 10 x 2 20 Attempt all questions in brief 1 a Define Molarity and Normality b Differentiate crystalline solid and amorphous solid c Define critical solution temperature d What is critical micelles concentration e What are chelating agents f Define buffer capacity g Detergency h Define glassy state i What is liquid crystal Name its two types j What is surface tension and surface free energy SECTION B Attempt any two parts of the following 2 a Derive Raoult s law and discuss deviation from Raoult s law giving example b Explain buffer action and application of buffer in pharmaceutical and biological 2 x 10 20 AKTU Q P20E290Q P 22 M ar 2021 13 42 11 117 55 242 131 SECTION C 7 x 5 35 Attempt any five parts of …

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