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Cyn EXAMIATiONS TIRUCHMA B SC Chemistry Students admitted from 2018 19 GPends ELECTIVE I SPECTROSCOPYI SEMESTER V SUCHEL501 DURSE OBJECTIVES ne course aims Cedits 4 Unit To dictate the rudimentary facts of the spectroscopic techniques To assess the principles and theories of IR spectroscopy To cater the cardinal rationale of NMR To compare IR with Raman spectroscopy To rationalize the concepts of Mass spectroscopy Total Hours 40 Hours CO 10 CO1 10 CO2 10 CO3 Content radiation Electromagnetic Introduction units Electromagnetic spectrum and absorption of radiations Quantization of different forms of energies in molecules translational rotational and electronic Born Oppenheimer approximation Ultra violet and Visible spectroscopy ntroduction Beer Lambert s 1law Instrumentation Types of electronic Chromophore transition Auxochrome concept Bathochromic Hypsochromic Hyperchromic Hypochromic shift Factors influencing Amx Transition probability and Omax Values Applications of UV spectroscopy with examples Infra red spectroscopy Introduction Principle Theory of molecular vibrations Expression for vibrational frequency derivation not needed selection rules Factors influencing vibrational frequencies Instrumentation Finger print region Raman spectroscopy Introduction Theory of Raman spectra Stoke s and antistoke sline Instrumentation Conditions for Raman spectroscopy Beer Lambert law of absorption in Raman scattering Mutual Exclusion Principle of CO2 and NO2 Difference between IR and Raman spectra Applications of Raman spectroscopy 29 B Sc Chemistry Students adnitted from 2018 19 010drasy STIR Instrumentation Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Introduction basic principles Relaxation process Chemical shift Number and position of signals Shielding Deshielding effects Factors influencing chemical shift Spin Spin coupling coupling constant TMS as NMR standard Applications of NMR Mass spectroscopy Basic principles Instrumentation molecular ion peak base peak meta stable peak isotopic peak their uses determination of molecular formula Fragmentation Nitrogen rule McLafferty rearrangements Interpret Mass spectra of sopentane 2 2 dimethylpropane 2 2 5 5 tetramethylheaxane n propylcyclohexane 2 butanol Self Study eE A CLENOE Cs R EXAMINATIONS 10 CO4 CO5 Text books 1 Sharmma Y R 2013 Elementary Organic spectroscopy Fifth revised Edition S Chand Co Ltd New Delhi Sindhu P S 1985 Fundamentals of molecular Spectroscopy New Age Int Pvt Ltd New Delhi 3 Colin N Banwell 2015 Fundamentals of molecular Spectroscopy McGraw Hill Education Reference books Mehta publishers Pune 1 Parikh V M 2002 Absorbtion Spectroscopy of Organic molecules 2 Williams D W and Flemming I 1987 Spectroscopic methods in Organic 3 KalsiP S 2007 Spectroscopy of Organic compounds New Age Int Pvt Ltd chemistry McGraw Hill U K New Delhi 30 T 1INOn OHpauk AO I ungheoroo hbavo wwe1woawr hbrowe xauyby oY paouOnnMngemo a AM wmo0 uu oog 0 wu o89 O0e uu o8 086 kaawroy KUa mUY po poyobnhio one 3 39mo d bo uu 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AIIMS CHE 112 - Elective I Spectroscopy

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