lOMoARcPSD 30122019 PHY101 Exam 2 Formula Sheet PHY101 Exam 2 Formula Sheet College Physics University at Buffalo College Physics University at Buffalo Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by jeba heba anthonywu951 gmail com lOMoARcPSD 30122019 6 5 Circular Motion Big Idea 4 When an object moves in a circular path it accelerates toward the center of the path As a result circular motion requires a force directed toward the center Chapter 7 W Fd SI unit newton meter N m joule J Wtotal W1 W2 W3 W Zero Distance Implies Zero Work w angle W Fcos d Fdcos Wtotal Ftotalcos d Ftotal d cos When a force is applied to an object its kinetic energy will change We say that the force has transferred energy to the object and this transfer of energy is called Work Kinetic energy is one half mass times velocity squared The total work done on an object is equal to the change in its kinetic energy Kinetic Energy Work to Stretch or Compress a Spring a Distance x from Equilibrium SI unit joule J Definition of Average Power P P Wt SI unit J s watt W Power F Chapter 8 WC Ui UF U mgy U Downloaded by jeba heba anthonywu951 gmail com 1 2kx 2 Mechanical energy is the sum of the potential and kinetic energies of a system The work done by a nonconservative force is equal to the change in the mechanical energy of a system Wnc Ef Ei E U K P mv SI unit kg m s I Fav t F t pf pi The momentum of an object is conserved remains constant if the net force acting on it is zero In an inelastic collision the final kinetic energy is different from the initial kinetic energy lOMoARcPSD 30122019 r t T rFsin theta Downloaded by jeba heba anthonywu951 gmail com
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