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BIOL 1107 Lab Policies Safety Lab Basics Introductions Teaching Assistant Email your name uconn edu Office Hours Undergraduate Mentor Email their name uconn edu Lab Safety Long pants Close toed footwear are required No food or drink in the lab Includes gum Please place these items on the cart in the hallway Lab coats safety glasses nitrile gloves provided Hazardous materials and disposal Broken glass First Aid Injury Form Chemical showers Emergencies and exit procedure Important Policies You must take and score a 10 10 on the Lab Safety and Syllabus orientation quizzes If this is not complete by the second exercise you cannot attend lab Access on HuskyCT with unlimited attempts If you miss three lab sessions for any reason you will fail the entire course There will be no make up labs Absent data and make up quiz for excused absences only Accessing TopHat Join Code your section join code 2 week free trial Included in Husky Book Bundle What site do I use for what HuskyCT TopHat Accessing lab manual Taking quizzes Completing pre lab questions Taking lab orientation Completing lab exercise quizzes questions Accessing course Completing homework information To look at during lab data AFTER it s closed you need to go to your gradebook on TopHat Sample Quiz Optional Each week you ll take a 15 minute quiz on material from the week before Taken on HuskyCT through Lockdown Browser You must come to class on time to take the quiz Click on the Lockdown Browser App sign into HuskyCT with NetID Password and Duo Two Factor If you want to take a sample quiz Lab Quizzes Sample Quiz Password 1234 How do I study for quizzes Review Lab Objectives listed in manual before each exercise are you able to answer each question Do you understand how you completed each experiment Do you understand why you did each step Can you interpret explain the data collected during the experiment Found near the top of each manual page in TopHat How Do I Succeed In Lab Study for weekly Read lab exercises Complete quiz ahead of time Before Lab Assignment During lab Before lab After lab Wear long pants and Be prepared to take the Thoroughly complete all closed toed shoes quiz lab activities and questions in During Lab Complete After Lab Attend office hours Homework Stretch Wake up Pay attention Session 1 Lab Basics Metric Conversions Metric System System of measurement based on the number 10 Base Units DIVIDE move decimal to left Mass Grams Volume Liters Length Meters 10 3 10 2 10 9 10 6 100 103 MULTIPLY move decimal to right Multiples Units larger than the base unit ex kilogram Submultiples Units smaller than base unit ex centimeter 1 000 grams 103 grams 1 kg 1 liter 1 000 mL 1 000 000 L Metric Conversion Intuitive Method Example Convert 1 gram g to kilogram kg 10x 10x 10x 103 Gram is the base unit A kilogram is three powers of ten larger than a gram Need to correct by a factor of 1 000 Do we multiply or divide Do we move the decimal point to the left or to the right 0 001 kilogram 1 gram 1 0 gram 100 Metric Conversion Dimensional Analysis Example Convert 1 gram to 1 kilogram 10x 10x 10x Gram is the base unit A kilogram is three powers of ten larger than a gram Therefore 1 kg 1000 grams Set up the equation and keep track of your units 100 103 1 1 1000 0 001 Metric Conversion Example 2 How many microliters L are in 1 24 milliliters mL Intuitive Method x 10 x 10 x 10 Dimensional Analysis 1 24mL x 1000uL 1mL 1 240 uL 1 24 1 24mL x 1000 1 240 uL Microscopy Basics Ocular lenses Revolving nosepiece Objective lens Stage Light source base Light intensity Stage controls Coarse focus Fine focus Revolving nosepiece Objective lenses Working Distance Stage Condenser Aperture diaphragm lever HOW TO FOCUS Start with the stage all the way down and with the lowest power objective lens 4X medium brightness Place your slide on the stage Turn the coarse focus knob so the stage moves upward Move the stage as far upwards as it will go making sure the slide does not touch the objective lens Looking through the ocular use the coarse focus to slowly move the stage down until the image comes into focus Adjust the light intensity if necessary Refine focus with the fine focus knob Make ocular adjustments Center your specimen Change to a higher power objective Adjust focus turning the fine focus knob only The microscope is parfocal image stays nearly in focus changing from one objective lens to another Total Magnification Images viewed on compound microscopes are magnified by two sets of lenses the ocular and the objective lenses Total Magnification Ocular Magnification X Objective Magnification The ocular power of our microscopes is 10x Objective power varies 4x 10x or 40x Example When using the 40x objective lens what is the total magnification Total Magnification Ocular X Objective 10x X 40x 400x total magnification Field Diameter Here s a ruler slide viewed using the 4x objective lens You can t really measure this by eye accurately This is the same ruler viewed using the 40x objective lens Count the ticks FD 5 mm Smaller tick marks are 0 5 mm apart Longer tick marks are 1 mm apart Calculating Field Diameter If you know the field diameter at one magnification you can calculate the field diameter at another magnification Known Field Diameter x Initial Mag Unknown Field Diameter X Final Mag Example Using the 40x objective lens the field diameter is 5 mm What is the field diameter when using the 4x objective 40x 5 mm 4x X mm then solve for X mm X 50 mm Make sure your units match on either side of the equation Make sure it s total or objective magnification If your initial FD is in mm then your final answer will be in mm Scientific Drawing Make simple two dimensional line drawings Draw specimens proportional to each other and to the field of view Proper Labeling Review Micro is a submultiple or multiple What symbol is micro represented by m M Micro is how big small compared to the base 100 10 9 10 6 10 3 10 2 100 103 Making Molar Solutions Molar Solution Make a 2 M sucrose solution But how much do 2 moles of sucrose weigh GFW of sucrose 342 x 684 grams liter We d need 684 g sugar to make 1 liter of 2 M sugar solution What if we need to make 800 milliliters of a 2M sugar solution 800 mL x 0 8 Liters x x 547 2 g But how do I physically make a solution 100mL of a 5M sugar solution needs 171g of sugar should you mix 171g into 100mL of water No the sugar has its own volume 171g into 100mL of water will bring the final volume 100mL and it s no longer a 5M

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UConn BIOL 1107 - Lab Basics Fall 2023

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