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Phone Accelerometer in Your Phone Part 2 Alivia Jackson Abi Pitts Alex Teal Introduction The objective of this lab is to gain a deeper understanding of 1 dimensional kinematics or the motion using 1 plane this is done with the aid of a phone We mainly focused on motion and acceleration We also are to learn how to communicate data in the form of graphs sharpen our data analysis skills and enhance our knowledge of noise in data As well as understanding the difference between systematic and random error when an error occurs Acceleration is defined mainly as a process that describes the change in velocity essentially a vector of both speed and direction The acceleration of any given item can be calculated defined and understood by the following formula v v0 t or more simply v t Data Figure 1 Figure 1 displays the relationship between time s and acceleration m s2 in the first trial where the phone was dropped onto an empty bed in a quiet room approximately 0 8 meters above the bed In this graph specifically the large peak is around 1 second is when the phone was falling from the air onto the bed There is some noise at the end from a slight bounce and picking the phone up Figure 2 Figure 2 displays the relationship between time s and acceleration m s2 in the first trial where the phone was dropped onto an empty bed in a quiet room approximately 0 8 meters above the bed This graph has the largest peak around 1 second and had a peak acceleration of 97 4 m s2 Figure 3 Figure 3 displays the relationship between time s and acceleration m s2 in the first trial where the phone was dropped onto an empty bed in a quiet room approximately 0 8 meters above the bed This graph had a little bit more excess noise at the end due to a bounce and the phone landing upside down Figure 4 Displays the time versus velocity for Trial 1 The calculations for the integration of the acceleration to achieve this were done in excel Figure 5 Displays the time versus velocity for Trial 2 The calculations for the integration of the acceleration to achieve this were done in excel Figure 6 Displays the time versus velocity for Trial 3 The calculations for the integration of the acceleration to achieve this were done in excel Figure 7 Displays the distance versus time for Trial 1 The calculations were done in excel Figure 8 Displays the distance versus time for Trial 2 The calculations were done in excel Figure 9 Displays the distance versus time for Trial 3 The calculations were done in excel Table 1 Displays the average acceleration and standard deviation for each trial Determine the max velocity To be able to find the max velocity we have to take the derivative of velocity which can be known as acceleration and find where the derivative is zero Max velocity is reached when you stop accelerating because this is when you can not gain any more speed If you look at the figures above you can see that the acceleration would be zero before and after the drop off when standing still on the bed or on the floor it is zero Discussion Conclusion We completed the lab with a deeper understanding of 1 dimensional kinematics in regard to acceleration We were able to communicate our data in the form of graphs as well as describe the two types of errors that can potentially arise systematic and random Systematic error is an error that occurs without fail systematically skewing data in one direction precise but not accurate While random error refers to complete data being collected with variability so not accurate or precise It seems as though there is very little error within our data all the data has a range of 0 5064 both very accurate and precise The first activity included the setup which was pretty simple It included just the bed and the phone that was dropped When looking at the graphs they look pretty similar The large peak is due to the instant increase in acceleration due to the drop of the phone

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IUPUI PHYS 21900 - Phone Accelerometer in Your Phone

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