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COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTORRETAKE 2023 Updated A Grade written byhint254Did you know a seller earnan average of 250 per monthselling their study noteson DocmeritScan the QR code and learn how you can also turn your classnotes study guides into real cash today Docmerit com The Best Study NotesUploaded by hint254 on Docmerit Distribution of this document is illegal lOMoARcPSD 24815199 ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR RETAKE 2023 Updated A Grade lOMoARcPSD 24815199 Downloaded by ERICK MURIMI erickmurimips4 gmail com Comprehensive Predictor Retake 2019 our exam 1 A nurse is assessing a client who has received an antibiotic The nurse should identify which of the following findings as an indication of a possible allergic reaction to the medication A Bradycardia B Headache C Joint pain D Hypotension LOW BP bc your blood vessels widen causing a drop in BP A nurse is preparing to administer an IM dose of penicillin to a client who has a new prescription The client states she took penicillin 3 years ago and developed a rash Which of the following actions should the nurse take A Administer the prescribed dose B Withhold the medication C Ask the provider to change the prescription to an oral form D Administer an oral antihistamine at the same time B The nurse should withhold the medication and notify the provider of the client s previous reaction to penicillin so that an alternative antibiotic can be prescribed Allergic reactions to penicillin can range from mild to severe anaphylaxis and prior sensitization should be reported to the provider A nurse is providing information about Probiotic supplements to a male client Which of the following information should the nurse include Select all that apply A Probiotics are micro organisms that are normally found in the GI tract B Probiotics are used to treat Clostridium difficile C Probiotics are used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia D You can experience bloating while taking probiotic supplements E If you are prescribed an antibiotic you should take it at the same time you take your probiotic supplement a b d A Probiotics consist of lactobacilli bifidobacteria and Saccharomyces boulardii which normally are found in the digestive tract B Probiotics are used to treat a number of GI conditions including irritable bowel syndrome diarrhea associated with Clostridium difficile and ulcerative colitis D Flatulence and bloating are adverse effects of probiotic supplements A nurse is caring for a client who has a UTI and a history of recurrence of this type of infection The client asks why the provider has not yet prescribed an antibiotic The nurse should explain that the provider has to wait for the results of which of the following laboratory tests to identify which antibiotic to prescribe A Gram stain B Culture lOMoARcPSD 24815199 Downloaded by ERICK MURIMI erickmurimips4 gmail com C Sensitivity D Specific gravity C A sensitivity test identifies the most effective antibiotic to prescribe to treat a specific micro organism A nurse is caring for a group of clients who are receiving antimicrobial therapy Which of the following clients should the nurse plan to monitor for manifestations of antibiotic toxicity A An adolescent client who has a sinus infection B An older adult client who has prostatitis C A client who is postpartum and has mastitis D A middle adult client who has a urinary tract infection B An older adult client who has prostatitis and is receiving antibiotics is at risk for toxicity due to the age related reduction in medication metabolism and excretion A nurse in an outpatient facility is preparing to administer Nafcillin IM to an adult client who has an infection Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take Select all that apply A Select a 25 gauge inch needle for the injection B Administer the medication deeply into the ventrogluteal muscle C Ask the client about an allergy to penicillin before administering the medication D Monitor the client for 30 min following the injection E Tell the client to expect a temporary rash to develop following the injectionb c d B It is important to administer nafcillin IM into a deep muscle mass such as the ventrogluteal site C It is important to ask the client about an allergy to penicillin or other antibiotics before administering nafcillin An allergy to another penicillin or to a cephalosporin is a contraindication for administering nafcillin D When administering a penicillin or other antibiotic parenterally it is important to monitor the client for 30 min for an allergic reaction 2 A nurse on a mental health unit is caring for a client who has schizophrenia and is experiencing auditory hallucinations telling them to hurt others The client is refusing to take anti psychotic medication Which of the following responses should the nurse make A You should plan to take this medication for a few weeks B You will regret it if you do not take this medication C This medication will help you respond to the voices D This medication will help you stop the voices you are hearing 3 A nurse is providing care for a patient who has depression and is to have electroconvulsive therapy Which of the following conditions should the nurse identify as increasing the client s risk for complications A Hyperthyroidism B Renal calculi C Diabetes mellitus D Cardiac dysrhythmias A nurse is assessing a client immediately following an electroconvulsive therapy ECT procedure Which of the lOMoARcPSD 24815199 Downloaded by ERICK MURIMI erickmurimips4 gmail com following are expected findings SATA A Hypotension B Paralytic ileus C Memory loss D Nausea E Confusion cde 4 A nurse is reviewing the laboratory results of a client who has rheumatoid arthritis Which of the following findings SHOULD the nurse report to the provider A WBC count 8 000 mm 5 000 10 000 B Platelets 150 000 mm 150 000 400 000 C Aspartate aminotransferase 10 units L 0 35 D Erythrocyte sedimentation 75 mm hr Men 0 22 Women 0 29 WBC Erythrocyte sedimentation Aspartate aminotransferase Platelets 5 000 1 0 000 mm3 ESR normal 0 22 men 0 29 women 0 35 units L 150 000 400 000 mm3 AST ALT Amylase Lipase Bilirubin Albumin Ammonia 0 35 units L 4 36 units L 20 220 IU L 160 units L 1 0 mg dL 3 5 5 g dL 10 80 mcg dL Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis Degenerative dz process Pain with activity gets better with rest Affects specific joints NOT symmetrical Heberden s and Bouchard s NODES Negative rheumatoid factor Inflammatory dz process Pain after rest immobility get

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