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Python for Beginners to Advance Python Programming Tutorial In this Python tutorial you ll learn everything you need to start programming in Python This tutorial is perfect for data science machine learning and web development No prior knowledge in Python or programming is required as everything will be taught from scratch I m Mosh Hamadani and I ve taught millions of people how to code through this channel If you re new here make sure to subscribe as I upload new videos every week Let s jump in and get started What is Python Python is a multipurpose programming language that can be used for a variety of different tasks such as automation web development and data science You can use Python in automation to automate repetitive tasks and save time and increase productivity You need to install a code editor to write your own Python code You can build amazing websites powered by Python We ll be using PyCharm as our code editor in this tutorial When you open PyCharm for the first time you have to configure a few settings but we can skip that for now and set defaults Let s create a new project and collapse the project window to give more space We can then print a message on our application window Running Python Code To run Python code in PyCharm we go to the run menu and select run or use the shortcut ctrl shift r on a Mac Then select the app to run and the output will appear in the terminal window Python is case sensitive so make sure to use the correct case when coding We can declare variables such as age and price and assign them values Python also has boolean values that can be true or false Now let s start coding age 30 print age price 19 95 print price Declare and Use Variables in Python Here s a little exercise for you imagine we want to write a program for a hospital so we re going to check in a patient named John Smith He s 20 years old and is a new patient I want you to declare a few variables to store these values Use the comment section below to share your code Receiving User Input in Python In Python we have a built in function called input that we use to read a value from the terminal window We can add a string argument to the function to prompt the user for input Let s write a simple program to demonstrate this name input What is your name print Hello name When we run this program it will prompt the user to input their name Once a value is entered the program will print the greeting message with the input value Data Types in Python There are three main data types in Python numbers strings and booleans Numbers This includes integers and floating point numbers Strings This includes textual data Booleans This includes True and False values Converting Data Types in Python Python has several built in functions for converting the types of our variables For example we have the int function for converting a value to an integer birth year 1982 age 2020 int birth year print You are str age years old In the above example we use the int function to convert the birth year string to an integer so we can subtract it from the current year We also have the float function for converting a value to a float num 10 5 float num float num print float num In the above example we use the float function to convert the num string to a floating point number Type Conversion in Python In programming languages like Python there are times when you need to convert a variable from one type to another In this tutorial I ll show you a bunch of cool things you can do with strings using Python for beginners In Python the index of the first character in a string is 0 So when we run this program you re going to see 1 on the terminal because the index is 1 print Hello World 1 Output e The float function is used to convert a string to a float value first float input Enter the first number We can also change this expression to first second which is another way to write this piece of code The lower method is used to convert a string to lowercase or to find a character or a sequence of characters string Hello World print string lower Output hello worldprint string find o Output 4print string replace o a Output Hella Warld The in operator can be used to check if a string contains a character string Python is a programming language for beginners print language in string Output True Arithmetic Operators in Python Python has various arithmetic operators that we can use such as addition subtraction multiplication and division print 10 3 Output 13 We also have an augmented assignment operator in Python that means incrementing a variable by a value x 5x 3 Output 8 Operator precedence in Python is similar to math but we can always use parentheses to change the order of operations x 10 3 2 Output 16 Multiplication and division have a higher order so they are evaluated first That s why the answer is 16 x 10 3 2print x Output 11 5 When we print x we get 11 5 x 3print x Output 14 5 When we run x 3 we get 14 5 as the result When we run x 13 it will store False in the x variable x 1000 Output 1000 Python programmers use comparison operators to evaluate values in Python programs These operators are important for comparing values and evaluating certain conditions They help to build complex rules and conditions Another set of important operators are the logical operators used to evaluate complex rules Comparison Operators Python uses comparison operators to evaluate values and build complex rules The following are comparison operators in Python Equal to Not equal to Greater than Less than Greater than or equal to Less than or equal to Logical Operators Python uses logical operators to evaluate complex rules The following are logical operators in Python And operator and Or operator or Not operator not Python can perform complex evaluations by applying multiple logical and comparison operators to the expressions If Statements If statements in Python are used to make decisions in the program For example you can declare a variable called temperature and depending on its value print different messages on the terminal To represent a block of code in Python we use indentation instead of curly braces If the code is not indented it will not be executed In Python there are three logical operators The logical or operator returns true if at least one of the expressions are true The logical and operator returns true if both the expressions are true The logical not operator inverts any value that it is given Example Let s take an example to

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FGCU ACG 4501 - Python Programming Language

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