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ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 in brief ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 in brief ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 are among ISO s most well known standards ever ISO is an independent non governmental international organization with a membership of 164 national standards bodies ISO 9001 helps organizations to implement quality management ISO 14001 helps organizations to implement environmental management PR mo item ID Date Running title of presentation 1 Quality management Quality management ISO 9001 is for quality management Quality refers to all those features of a product or service which are required by the customer Quality management means what the organization does to ensure that its products or services satisfy the customer s quality requirements and comply with any regulations applicable to those products or services PR mo item ID Date Running title of presentation 2 Quality management cont Quality management cont Quality management also means what the organization does to enhance customer satisfaction and achieve continual improvement of its performance PR mo item ID Date Running title of presentation 3 Environmental management Environmental management ISO 14001 is for environmental management This means what the organization does to minimize harmful effects on the environment caused by its activities to conform to applicable regulatory requirements and to achieve continual improvement of its environmental performance PR mo item ID Date Running title of presentation 4 Generic standards Generic standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 are generic standards Generic means that the same standards can be applied to any organization large or small whatever its product or service in any sector of activity and whether it is a business enterprise a public administration or a government department PR mo item ID Date Running title of presentation 5 Generic standards cont Generic standards cont Generic also signifies that no matter what the organization s scope of activity if it wants to establish a quality management system ISO 9001 gives the essential features or if it wants to establish an environmental management system ISO 14001 gives the essential features PR mo item ID Date Running title of presentation 6 Management systems Management systems Management system means what the organization does to manage its processes or activities in order that its products or services meet the organization s objectives such as satisfying the customer s quality requirements complying to regulations or meeting environmental objectives PR mo item ID Date Running title of presentation 7 Management systems Management systems To be really efficient and effective the organization can manage its way of doing things by systemizing it Nothing important is left out Everyone is clear about who is responsible for doing what when how why and where Management system standards provide the organization with an international state of the art model to follow PR mo item ID Date Running title of presentation 8 Management systems cont Management systems cont Large organizations or ones with complicated processes could not function well without management systems Companies in such fields as aerospace automobiles defence or health care devices have been operating management systems for years The ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 management system standards now make these successful practices available for all organizations PR mo item ID Date Running title of presentation 9 Processes not products Processes not products Both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 concern the way an organization goes about its work They are not product standards They are not service standards They are process standards They can be used by product manufacturers and service providers PR mo item ID Date Running title of presentation 10 Processes not products cont Processes not products cont Processes affect final products or services ISO 9001 gives the requirements for what the organization must do to manage processes affecting quality of its products and services ISO 14001 gives the requirements for what the organization must do to manage processes affecting the impact of its activities on the environment PR mo item ID Date Running title of presentation 11 Certification and registration Certification and registration Certification is known in some countries as registration It means that an independent external body has audited an organization s management system and verified that it conforms to the requirements specified in the standard ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 ISO does not carry out certification and does not issue or approve certificates PR mo item ID Date Running title of presentation 12 Certification not a requirement Certification not a requirement Certification is not a requirement of ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 The organization can implement and benefit from an ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 system without having it certified The organization can implement them for the internal benefits without spending money on a certification programme PR mo item ID Date Running title of presentation 13 ISO does not certify ISO does not certify ISO does not carry out ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 certification ISO does not issue certificates ISO does not authorize approve or control the certification bodies ISO develops standards and guides to encourage good practice in accreditation and certification PR mo item ID Date Running title of presentation 14 Benefits of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 cont Benefits of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 cont Guidelines for satisfying customers and other stakeholders Increase efficiency and effectiveness Model for continual improvement Address environmental concerns of customers and public and comply with government regulations PR mo item ID Date Running title of presentation 15 Benefits of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 cont Benefits of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 cont Sustainable business Unifying base for industry sectors Qualify customers for global supply chains Technical support for regulations Transfer of good practice to developing countries Tools for new economic players Facilitate rise of services PR mo item ID Date Running title of presentation 16

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