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EXSS 326 Legal Aspects of Sports Prof Barbara Osborne J D she her hers 309 Woollen Gym Instructor Office email phone Office hours Tuesday Thursday 10am 11am and by appointment sportlaw unc edu 919 962 5173 Objectives Sport activities occur in settings that are potentially litigious This course provides a foundation in legal concepts and familiarizes students with those areas they are most likely to encounter in sports settings Students will be expected to recognize legal issues identify the proper legal theory and understand how the law is applied within the sport industry Target Audience This course is designed for upper level junior and senior undergraduate students This is a required course for EXSS majors in the Sport Administration track Juniors and seniors from outside the major are welcome to take the class particularly those who intend to go to law school or work in the sport industry Text Sports Law Governance and Regulation Third Edition 2020 Mitten Davis et al Wolters Kluwer NY ISBN 978 1 5438 1082 0 Course Requirements Chapter Quizzes Grading Scale A 94 and above A 90 93 B 87 89 B 83 86 B 80 82 C 77 79 C 73 76 C 70 72 100 As scheduled at end of each chapter D 67 69 D 60 66 F 59 or below Diversity and Inclusion I value the perspectives of individuals from all backgrounds reflecting the diversity of our students Diversity includes race color sex sexual orientation gender identity gender expression national origin ethnicity religion social class age veteran status political background and physical and learning ability While I strive to make this course an inclusive space for all students I may unintentionally get it wrong sometimes Please let me know if there is anything I can do to improve I appreciate suggestions See the University s Policy on Prohibited Discrimination Harassment and Related Misconduct Students with Disabilities The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill facilitates the implementation of reasonable accommodations including resources and services for students with disabilities chronic medical conditions a temporary disability or pregnancy complications resulting in difficulties with accessing learning opportunities The quizzes for this course are all accessible through Sakai and are not timed so extra time accommodations are not necessary Any other accommodations are coordinated through the Accessibility Resources and Service Office Please contact ARS immediately through their website http accessibility unc edu by calling 919 962 8300 or by email at accessibility unc edu How to Succeed in this Class The best way to approach this class is to 1 read before class 2 review Power Point slides and 3 take the quiz If you need help understanding a concept or case I am available during office hours or by appointment if those times won t work in your schedule 1 Do the assigned reading Law is context intensive the rules applied are always specific to the facts or circumstances of the particular case Make note of any areas that are confusing when you do the reading so that you can ask your questions during class or at office hours 2 The PowerPoint slides for each chapter are located in the Resources tab in our class Sakai site The PowerPoints are the slides used in class and contain the basic rules of law There is one PowerPoint for each chapter although the readings are generally spread out over several days on the syllabus there are a few chapters that are just one class period Again if there are any legal concepts that are still confusing please ask your questions during class or office hours 3 Quiz There is a quiz for each chapter accessible in the Tests Quizzes tab in Sakai These quizzes vary in length just as the chapters vary in length The quizzes are True False and Multiple Choice Quizzes are open note open book and are not timed You are allowed to use your textbook and your notes but only your notes not the work product of others You are expected to take the quiz on your own without any other personal assistance other than me Quizzes must be completed by the date and time deadline posted on Sakai You are only allowed to submit each quiz one time Quizzes that are not completed before the deadline will be graded as a zero for that quiz There are no make up quizzes If you know that you will have a conflict or experience any difficulty in meeting a deadline for example if you are sick or traveling for a university excused absence please notify me immediately All the answers are either in the book or in the lecture and sometimes both you just need to understand the concept and be able to apply it to choose the correct answer this is why the readings and lectures are so important Note law is not a subject where you ll be able to look up the answer using a search engine because law is contextual doing this will likely result in the wrong answer Each question on each quiz is worth 1 point with the total points accumulating for your grade in the course ALL quizzes will count toward your final grade You will be able to see each quiz grade and your cumulative grade on Sakai under the Gradebook tab throughout the course Honor Code Every student is expected to conduct him her their self within the letter and spirit of the Honor Code which prohibits the giving or receiving of unauthorized aid in all academic processes You will be asked to acknowledge the Honor Pledge for all quizzes Daily Schedule Date 1 10 1 12 1 17 1 19 1 24 1 26 1 31 2 2 2 7 2 9 2 14 2 16 2 21 2 23 2 28 3 2 3 7 3 9 3 14 16 3 21 3 23 3 26 3 30 4 4 4 6 4 11 4 13 4 18 4 20 4 25 4 27 5 5 Topic Reading Ch 1 p 1 14 PowerPoint Lecture Ch 1 Ch 1 completed Ch 2 Ch 2 continued Ch 2 completed Ch 3 Ch 3 continued Ch 3 completed Ch 5 p 151 162 Ch 5 Ch 5 p 163 174 Ch 5 continued Ch 2 p 15 34 Ch 2 p 35 48 Ch 2 p 48 59 Ch 3 p 61 75 Ch 3 p 76 89 Ch 3 p 89 114 Ch 4 p 115 129 Ch 4 Ch 4 p 130 150 Ch 4 completed Welcome Chapter 1 continued High School Sports High School Sports cont High School Sports cont NCAA Internal Governance NCAA cont NCAA cont College athletics College athletics Wellness Day no classes Gender Equity Gender Equity TBA Gender Equity Gender Equity Racial Equity Racial Equity Spring Break Health Safety and Risk Mgt Ch 7 p 227 251 Ch 7 Health Safety and Risk Mgt Ch 7 p 251 270 Ch 7 completed Sports Medicine Sports Medicine Coaches Contracts Wellness Day no classes Professional Sport Leagues Professional Sport Leagues Labor and Labor Relations Labor and Labor Relations Agents Agent regulation Final

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