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Gabriela Orosco 432008320 Chem 120 620 Spring 2023 CHEM 120 Chemical Kinetics Post Lab Questions Thursday Make sure that your responses to these discussion questions is legible if your responses are illegible they will not receive credit We suggest that you type your responses Using the data that you collected and wrote in your lab notebook during lab organize your data into the required tables or graphs Make sure that you format the table properly i e include a title and labels for your columns etc Also make sure your plots are properly formatted and clearly labeled 1 In a single table report the volumes used for the reagents H2O2 NaCl KI Na2S2O3 Na2MoO4 and water for your baseline and temperature trials Include the temperature oC and reaction times s Include all appropriate units 3 points Table 1 Summary of Collected Data for Temperature Trials H2O2 NaCl KI Na2S2O Na2Mo Water Temperature Baseline 2 0mL 2 0mL 2 0m 1 0mL 3 30 40 2 0mL 2 0mL 2 0m 1 0mL 10 15 2 0mL 2 0mL 2 0m 1 0mL L L L L 18 0mL 18 0mL 18 0mL 22 5 30 4 14 6 O4 Reaction Time s 152 101 141 153 0 10 2 0mL 2 0mL 2 0m 1 0mL 18 0mL 9 9 2 Attach your plot for ln k vs 1 T for the four temperature trials Please format your graph including a title axis labels and units Also include your slope y intercept and R2 value 3 points Graph 1 Plot of In k vs 1 T K for Temperature Trials In k vs 1 T K y 1 470 999343x 6 606704 R 0 615952 2 1 8 1 6 1 4 1 2 1 0 8 0 6 0 4 0 2 k n I 0 0 00325 0 0033 0 00335 0 00345 0 0035 0 00355 0 0034 1 T K 3 Please research and identify a catalyst used in the following industrial process provide a citation exclude Wikipedia Then in one two sentences discuss the starting materials and end products of the industrial process 4 points a Houdry Process Thursday i The Houdry Process uses Triethylenediamine as a catalyst in the use of making Polyurethane Foams that is used in a Bicyclic Intermediate The structure consists of two nitrogen atoms that allow for it to be able to isocyanate with active hydrogen atoms ii ADALBERT FARKAS G A MILLS W E ERNER and J B MAERKER Houdry Process Corp Marcus Hook Pa https pubs acs org doi pdf 10 1021 ie50598a039

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TAMU CHEM 120 - Chemical Kinetics Post-Lab Assignment

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