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JavaScript is a high level interpreted programming language that is widely used for web development It was originally designed to add interactive features to web pages such as form validation animation and dynamic content However over the years JavaScript has grown to become a versatile language that can be used for a variety of purposes including back end development desktop application development game development and more JavaScript is a scripting language which means that it is executed on the client side in the user s browser rather than on the server side This allows developers to create dynamic and interactive web applications that can respond to user actions in real time JavaScript is also an object oriented language which means that it uses objects to represent data and functionality This makes it easy for developers to create modular and reusable code In these notes we will explore the fundamentals of JavaScript including syntax data types control structures functions objects and more We will also cover some of the more advanced features of the language such as asynchronous programming regular expressions and error handling By the end of these notes you should have a solid understanding of the basics of JavaScript and be ready to start building your own web applications JavaScript is a programming language used primarily for creating dynamic and interactive web pages It is a high level interpreted language that does not require compilation JavaScript can be used both on the client side running in the user s web browser and server side running on a server JavaScript can manipulate the HTML and CSS of a webpage making it possible to create interactive effects and dynamic user interfaces Variables in JavaScript are declared using the var let or const keywords var is the old way to declare variables let and const were introduced in ES6 JavaScript has several built in data types including numbers strings booleans arrays and objects JavaScript uses functions to encapsulate reusable blocks of code Functions can take parameters and return values JavaScript uses functions to encapsulate reusable blocks of code Functions can take parameters and return values JavaScript has a number of control flow statements such as if else statements loops for while and do while and switch statements JavaScript has several built in methods for working with strings arrays and other data types JavaScript supports object oriented programming including inheritance and polymorphism The latest version of JavaScript is ECMAScript 2022 which introduces new features such as private fields static blocks and more You will have to use a programming language like javascript If you want to add this Then you will use the object literal syntax The passage provides insights into the role of computers in everyday life It explains that a computer is a dumb machine and that humans use it because of its speed and accuracy IT also explains that a computer will not be able to do something if you have not programmed it correctly and that it is very loyal This Passage provides insights into the history and development of script as well as why it is a standard It also provides an explanation for why it allows for a wide range of actions with the potential to avoid errors In this passage the author is discussing how people can execute One way is to open a new window and right click inspect and then enter to see World printed Another way is to use a runtime which can run inside a browser Finally Another way is to use Replit which is a powerful platform that enables people to run simultaneously on their phone and laptop console log Hello World Console log C run this repl So you see here the code is generated in the repl and it is printing out the value of C which is 3 Okay This Passage discusses the code that the speaker has written The Speaker has written He explains that the code is okay but they will understand what would have happened if the code had not been written in the future He also mentions that he just wants to show the audience by writing some code and then familiarizing them with repl The Speaker then explains that if they run the code it will print out 57 The Speaker then goes on to explain that function console log and bracket were all used in the code and that he will explain why In later videos The Speaker then concludes the video by saying that he will give the first chapter to those who watch the video JavaScript is a powerful language that is essential for creating successful web applications In this course students will learn the basics of JavaScript including programming structure and language features JavaScript is known for being a liberal language allowing developers to do almost anything without throwing an error Replit is a useful platform for running JavaScript and can be accessed from a laptop or phone In the course students will gain experience with console log function keywords and syntax and will become familiar with creating interactive web applications The instructor plans to create a playlist for the JavaScript course to help students learn more about the language We ll see what exactly a variable in JavaScript is and how to make it and we ll also do some sample programs In JavaScript you can change a variable s type in run time Different data types can be stored in variables such as string number array JavaScript is known as dynamically typed languages Dynamic typing means that you ll have to declare the variable type if it s an integer floating point number string or character A variable is simply a container in JavaScript For example I have this room as memory or RAM If I write console log instead of console It won t run We have to follow some rules in JavaScript if we want to execute anything This repl contains code for the Ultimate JavaScript course JavaScript allows us to change a variable type in run time If I write a harry the type is now string As its type is string it holds harry Some languages allow this and some do n t We use repl It runs on clouds We ll use let to make a variable in JavaScript forget var a contains sorry a contains 67 I ll do console log a and I get to see 67 When I write var a 7 the 7 is literal There are some rules to name a variable Letters digits underscores and underscores are allowed You ca n t start with a number For example if I write let 8harry 7 it ll say no Not allowed this will throw an error JavaScript is case sensitive We ll learn the

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