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Time Complexity and Big O Notation CodeWithHarry So the input size didn t increase and the runtime of the algorithms didn t increase either No it doesn t depend on the size of the input When we ask questions like as the input will increase Then the runtime will change as per what And after that Now you will go to aunty s house You will be treated Consider there are different routes to come and go is the algorithm that runs in constant time K1 n to the power 0 k2 k3 k4 This time is required in algo 2 The sentence is Run time of it there are some things that we will recite Because we won t constantly use our brains again and again as we see Big O of 1 it is constant Now come here and listen to another story If we do an analysis of the first algorithm If I do T algo1 Then what will happen here And along with consider that game is of L3 kb If the game is of N kb then how much time will you need The sentence is Run time of it there are some things that we will recite There are polynomial algorithms and there are exponential algorithms and there are logarithmic algorithms and there are exponential functions and there are logarithmic functions There are also algorithms that are not linear in time

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AUC CSCE 2201 - Time Complexity and Big O Notation

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