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BIOLOGY 1012 LECTURE OUTLINE SPRING 1 2015 Chapter 1 Biology Exploring Life I Themes in Biology A Properties of Life 1 Order 2 Reproduction 3 Growth and Development 4 Energy processing 5 Regulation 6 Response to environment 7 Evolutionary adaption B Life s Hierarchy of Organization Considering just part of hierarchy cell tissue organ organ system Emergent Properties new properties that arise in each step upward in the hierarchy of life that are not present in the previous result from the arrangement and interactions among component parts C Cells the most basic unit of life exhibit all properties of life All cells enclosed by a membrane and use DNA as their genetic information Two basic types 1 Prokaryotic more simple and smaller than eukaryotic 2 Eukaryotic larger and more complex than prokaryotic has organelles subdivided membranes into various functional compartments Illustrate theme in biology correlation of structure and function D Molecular Basis of Inheritance DNA unity of life is based on DNA and a common genetic code all cells have DNA the chemical substance of genes Four building blocks nucleotides A adenine C cytosine G guanine T thymine A species genes are coded in the four building blocks which make up the double helix Genes units of inheritance that transmit info from parent to offspring control the activities of a cell Unity and Diversity of Life diversity arises from differences in DNA sequences unity from all forms of life using essentially the same genetic code to translate info stored in DNA to proteins II Evolution the Core Theme of Biology A Diversity of Life Taxonomy branch of bio that names and classifies species into broader and broader groups Three Domains 1 Bacteria 2 Archaea 3 Eukarya B Evolution explains unity and diversity Natural Selection main mechanism for evolution III Process of Science A Scientific Inquiry used to both ask and answer questions about the natural world Inductive Reasoning general conclusion drawn from many specific observations Deductive Reasoning used to come up with way to test a hypothesis general to specific Theory vs Hypothesis Scientific Theory broader in scope than hypothesis Usually general enough to generate many new specific hypotheses which can then be tested Supported by a larger and usually growing body of evidence B Forming and Testing a Hypothesis use deductive reasoning observation question hypothesis 1 prediction and test of prediction result Hypothesis must be testable and falsifiable IV Biology and Everyday Life Making Connections A Have you seen these B Technology and Science although their goals differ they are interdependent Technological advances stem from scientific research while research benefits from new technology Science goal is to understand natural world Technology goal is t apply scientific knowledge for some specific purpose C Evolutionary Theory understanding evolution can help develop strategies for conservation efforts and make us more responsibly judgmental with use of pesticides and antibiotics in nature V Connect the Concepts

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