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Phylum Actinobacteria Form associations with plants Nodules structures on plant that are growth on roots filled with bacteria Symbiotic relationship mutualism o Bacteria growing in these nodules gain carbon and structure for colonization enhances growth and reproductive rates o Plant benefits actinobacteria are N fixers convert N2 to ammonia which is a great fertilizer for the plant increases plant growth and reproduction Common in dental plaque o Form biofilms matrix of polysaccharides with aggregated bacteria archea fungi algae Many actinobacteria produce antifungal antibacterial compounds o Very energy expensive to make however they can greatly decrease competition for and viruses food space Gram Negative Bacteria Phylum Spirochaete Helical shaped spiral corkscrew cells They live in aquatic environments blood too Example Treponema Syphilis Example Barrelia Burgdorferi Lyme disease blood pathogen spread through the very tiny deer tick Cycle High rain increases plant growth increases oak tree growth increased acorns deer and mice benefit and increase more hosts more ticks increased contact with other organisms humans Ticks are the reservoir species Phylum Cyanobacteria Example Microcystis o Toxin microcystin o Blue green algae but they are not algae o Bloom forming carpet across water Photo autotrophs use sunlight energy and inorganic carbon CO2 used for growth N fixers atmospheric N2 NH4 ammonia o Fertilizing photosynthetic eukaryotes algae diatoms directly benefit This is not a big deal in North America but other places where they rely on a lake can be stressed Phylum Proteobacteria Largest most diverse bacterial phylum Found everywhere Alpha negative beta negative epsilon negative gamma negative o Grouping based upon physiological characteristics metabolism or environmental tolerances like temperature and moisture Escherichia coli E coli Found in mammalian guts gastrointestinal tracts Critical to effective digestion Mutualist symbiote Common in feces sewage too o Fecal coliform can be dangerous Has gone from mutualist to potential pathogen Many different strains o Each has unique characteristics coded by unique gene sequences o Helpful gut bacteria E coli 0157 H7 pathogen Wolbachia species still proteobacteria A heritable bacteria Intracellular bacteria lives inside cells very similar to mitochondria MALE KILLER Found only in insects Reproductive cells 25 30 of all insects carry it Mechanisms of removing males resulting in an all female species o Kills males in utero before birth o Feminize males 1 Sterilize male so they act as pseudo female behavioral changes 2 Become true females act and breed like females How do they reproduce without males Parthenogenesis virgin birth o No genetic input from male o Produce clones of female Helicobacter pylori epsilon proteobacteria Found in gastrointestinal tracts Thrives in stomach acid through burrowing into stomach lining Causes gastritis stomach ulcers leads to stomach cancer Barry Marshall Australian scientist fascinated by ulcers looked at biopsies and saw bacteria but nobody believed him so he drank a strain of the bacteria and ultimately got stomach ulcers which proved his idea to be true Yersinia pestis Gamma proteobacteria 5 30 million killed by this Black Plague Black Death Bubonic Plague Rat increase chance of humans getting the disease Flea feed on rats infected with Y p o This disease blocks the flea s digestive tract so the flea isn t getting nutrients from feeding increases bite rates increases spread of Y p plague conditions death Now treated with antibiotics Maybe the disease slected for people who were resistant to the disease since everyone had the opportunity to be bitten End of Lecture

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KSU BSCI 10110 - Phylum Actinobacteria

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