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Date September 10 2014 CCR SPED 3670 003 Class American Sign Language I Instructor Sandra Lewinski We worked on signing when person A asks person B about person C When this happens person A asks B if C is deaf A looks and points at C Person A asks B if C is hearing A looks and points at C Person A asks B what is C name A doesn t have to look at C When signing gold California When signing he she or it you establish what word it is with the content of the sentence We went through pages 1 22 check out the grammar notes because there are many ways to say the same sentence Test is on Ch 1 and 2 in both books focus on vocabulary fingerspelling and sentences You do not need to know the last four vocab words on page 8 Do not need to know California or NY

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UT SPED 3670 - American Sign Language I

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