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What you need to know Be able to use the three analytical lenses when describing a painting or sculpture Explain the symbolism of the painting the elements that make up the entire composition and be able to explain why the painting was created as well as what was going on before during and after the time period Analytical Lenses Iconography Visual Physical Analysis Contextual Analysis Terms Renaissance Rebirth Vienette Humanism Fresco painting surface Tempera painting Smaller narratives within an altarpiece The study of individual characteristics values and practices A style of wall painting in which many layers are painted on a moist plastered A type of fast drying painting used by a mixture of egg yolk and pigment Additional Lecture Information When did the Renaissance occur The Renaissance occurred after the Dark or Middle Ages Why is understanding geography important Understanding geography is important because it shows you trade routes among different countries This helps you understand what cultures were interacting with each other What is the difference between churches in France and churches in Italy Churches in France have a lot of glass high windows and no wallspace Where as churches in Italy have a lot of wall space but not a lot of windows or glass What does the extra wall space in an Italian church allow The extra wall space in an Italian church allowed for fresco painting What had a profound affect on Italy Religion geography and an absence of central government had a profound affect on Italy

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HCCC ART 125 - Analytical Lenses

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