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Tourism Economic Impact o While sports industry is large the tourism industry is massive 700 billion dollar industry just in USA 18 of Global Gross Domestic Product Leading economic stimulator in many nations o Travel for recreational purposes o Short term movement of people to destinations outside where they ordinarily live and work o Many different types agritourism birth tourism educational tourism LGBT travel medical tourism war tourism Outdoor Recreation o Huge part of leisure for many people o More people visit state and national parks than Disney o Children are not spending enough time outdoors o Benefits commune with nature Escaping social pressures slow down mentally Achievement confidence testing Excitement Education learn about the outdoors Leisure Service Sponsor Types o Commercial sell leisure experiences to make a profit o Private meet the leisure needs of members and other sub selections of population Public Agencies o Public provide for the leisure needs of all citizens in equitable manner o Responsible for serving the public s leisure needs on an equal basis o Govt sponsored and equitably available to all people o Supported by taxes user fees gifts and grants o For the greater good o Disney World is not a publicly funded org o Types Local State Acquire develop and maintain facilities needed for the leisure participation of local citizens Provide leadership and programming Direct provision of leisure services beaches campgrounds parks historical monuments Education outreach in schools workshops Promotion of tourism in states Federal Parks monuments historic sites Crown Jewels of America Further from the daily life of citizens Missions enjoyment education inspiration conservation Private agencies pg 263 o Provide for the recreational interests and needs of members or other sub selection of the population o Social civic religious youth service o Private Leisure Dominant Organizations Exist primarily to serve recreation and leisure needs of members o Private leisure secondary organizations Primary purpose is something else but also contribute to the supply of leisure opportunities o Quasi Private organizations Receive support from the public or govt agency 4 H YMCA campus rec but still exist to serve the needs of the members Commercial Agencies o Huge segment o Purpose is to make a profit o Provide a magnitude of opportunities o Often offer activities that are too expensive for public and private sponsors o The largest provider of leisure services o Can respond more quickly to trends o Sports teams theme parks hotel chains event centers

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UIUC RST 100 - Tourism- Economic Impact

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