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Homer Iliad Unit 2 terms o Iliad was a poem about the Trojan war that lasted 10 years o Starts in year 9 of the war Heinrich Schliemann o German man born in 1822 o Found Troy and Mycenae Mycenae o Grave masks Sir Arthur Evans o Professor from Oxford o Discovers Minoan society o Finds massive palace o Considered Europe s city Knossos Mycenaen Minoan o Began in 1500 BC o Used Linear B o Small walled cities o Began in 2600 BC o Mostly in Crete o Ended by 1370 BC o Small island that Minoans were mostly confined too Wine and Olive Oil o Traded by Minoans and by Mycenaens Crete Linear A Linear B o Came before Linear B o Came after Linear A o Appeared in about 1450 BC Carl Blegen o Found tablets written in Linear B o Caused the collapse of the Mycenaeans Michael Ventris o Deciphers Linear B Dorians 1200 1000 BC o Period of turmoil Delphi Oracles o Myth that Zeus chose Delphi as the center of his grandmother Earth o How Greeks believed gods talked to humans Olympic Games Phoenician alphabet Oracle at Delphi o Celebration of Zeus celebrated every 4 years o Derived from Egyptian hieroglyphics o Becomes the location of a pilgrimage site o Oracle of the god Apollo Sappho Hesiod o Female lyric poet o Her poetry weaves in the stories of the gods o Believed to have lived with a group of women o Most famous for The Theogony Means the origins of the gods Preserves the story of the Titans and how they were destroyed Thales of Miletus by Zeus o 624 547 BC o First to ask what the universe is made of and come up with a different answer Anaximander Pythagoras o Theory was that water was the key primal element o One of Thales students o Believed that earth was a cylinder surrounded by water air and fire o Created the Pythagorean theorem o Believed numbers had a mystical spiritual identity Hippocrates of Cos o Father of medicine o From Cos Polis o City state Colonization Chattel slavery Exposure the gods Oligarchy o Ruled by few o Sparta is an example Tyranny o Colonies were politically independent from the motherland o Slaves were considered property that could be bought and sold o During Golden Age 1 3 of the population was slaves o If parents didn t want their children they could leave them exposed to o Gains power by using force o Corinth is an example Democracy o Ruled by people o Athens is an example o Militaristic people of the land o Slaves were owned by the land o Considered the father of Sparta o Set up a system of two kings o Beneath the king o Council of the old man Sparta Helots Lycurgust Gerousia Corinth Cypseius o Tyrant who took power of Corinth o He was well liked o Built cities temples put on festivals Athens Solon o City state that was democracy o Multiple ports o Ship building o Narrow sliver of land o Became wealthy from trade and shipping o One of the fathers of Athens o If you re an Athenian you can t own an Athenian slave o Only those who are land owners can fully be citizens according to him o Tyrant ruling over Athens for 35 years o Used his own money to improve the water supply Boule o Created by Solon o Town council Peisistratus Hippias Cleisthenes o Son of Peisistratus Hippias escapes o In 508 BC he leads an uprising against tyrants one son killed but o Wants to make the democratic system of Solon much bigger o Land ownership was no longer a criteria for citizenship o Divides Athens into 10 districts Ostracism o An attempt to prevent future tyrants o If you got at least 6000 votes you were exiled for at least 10 years o Son of Phillip of Macedon o Created an empire that stretched from Greece to Egypt o Founded Alexandria o Led a fierce struggle of the Jews for independence from the Romans Agora o Heart and soul of the city Phillip of Macedon o Father of Alexander the Great o Divide and conquer o Great conqueror Olympias o Mother of Alexander the Great o Snake worshipper Alexander The Great Antigonus Antigonids Ptolemy Ptolemies o Writer in Alexandria Persians Indo European language Title of below Conflict with Greeks Good road system Different tribes within Came into area around 1000 BC Zagros mountains Mountains in Persian empire Cyrus 560 530 BC Unifies the Persians Built the royal roads system Troops and taxes traveled on this road Once the Babylonians were conquered it became a very Jewish population Sardis becomes his Persian city where the government lived Persians had a lot of religious toleration and allowed the Jews to rebuild their temple to Yahweh Sardis Becomes Cyrus s Persian city where the government lived Zoroastrianism New religion among the Persians Darius converts to this religion Dualistic religion that believes in a great over lord Ahura Mazda Believes in an internal struggle Ahura Mazda Main God in Zoroastrianism Good god Darius 522 486 BC Introduction of Zoroastrianism that was a dualistic religion Builds his own capital city Persepolis Persepolis Capital city built and established by Darius Xerxes 486 464 BC Son of Darius Takes up the idea of attack and revenge on Athens Cleisthenes Nervous about possible outside influence Athenians decide to find a powerful ally they chose the Persians o They send messengers to meet with the Persian governor about an equal alliance where they will join and help each other out mutually o Athens basically look tiny and desperate Persians say sure we will help you out only if they submit to Darius In the year 499 a coalition of cities ends up revolting against the Persians Ionians Ionian revolt o 499 coalition of cities revolt against the Persians o Only 2 cities agreed to help the Ionians o Eretria Athens o Athenian troops are involved in burning down the city of Sardis o Eventually the Ionians are brutally crushed o Once this occurs Darius launches an attack on Eretria and Athens Entire city gets burned to the ground by Darius for their involvement in the Eretria Marathon Ionian revolt Current day Burial mound Becomes a marker of time for Athenian Excellence Site of battle with Persians Exactly 26 2 miles from Athens hoplites Greek Soldier armored with shields Well trained in fighting in formation phalanx Heavily armored Narrow body of water between Asia and Europe Hellespont Hellenic League Alliance of 31 city states called the Hellenic league o Included Sparta o All decided they needed a leader in the league o Got to vote for which city state would lead and Sparta of course won they are leader of league Narrow valley Hellenic league people decided to stage attack on Persians here because they Thermopylae are

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