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The point at which the axes of a graph intersect is called the slope Incorrect origin True Answer Correct graph Incorrect intercept Incorrect The of a curve shows the point at which the curve intersects an axis slope Incorrect steepness Incorrect intercept True Answer Correct origin Incorrect If two variables are positively related on a graph they will always be represented by a line or curve that slopes downward Incorrect a straight line Incorrect a horizontal line Incorrect a line or curve that slopes upward True Answer Correct If two variables are negatively related they will always be represented by a line or curve that slopes downward True Answer Correct a straight line Incorrect a horizontal line Incorrect a line or curve that slopes upward Incorrect 496 If two variables are negatively related as one goes up in value the other must go up in value too Incorrect as one goes up in value the other must go down in value True Answer Correct there can never be a trade off between the two Incorrect one variable is always the reciprocal of the other Incorrect If two variables are positively related 492 493 494 495 497 as one goes up in value the other must go up in value too True Answer Correct as one goes up in value the other must go down in value Incorrect there is always a trade off between the two Incorrect one variable is always the reciprocal of the other Incorrect The relation between two variables that move in the same direction is said to be independent Incorrect neutral Incorrect positive True Answer Correct indirect Incorrect The relationship between two variables that move in opposite directions is said to be independent Incorrect positive Incorrect direct Incorrect negative True Answer Correct 500 On a graph representing two variables a positive slope of a curve means the variables are negatively related Incorrect a negative slope of a curve means the two variables are positively related Incorrect a line that is horizontal has a zero slope True Answer Correct a line that is vertical has a zero slope Incorrect Figure Cold Drinks Sold and Temperature 498 499 501 Reference Ref 2 1 Figure Cold Drinks Sold and Temperature Look at the figure Cold Drinks Sold and Temperature If we move from point C to point E in the figure the outside temperature has and the number of cold drinks sold has decreased by 30 degrees decreased by 30 drinks Incorrect increased by 20 degrees increased by 20 drinks Incorrect increased by 30 degrees increased by 30 drinks Incorrect increased by 40 degrees increased by 40 drinks True Answer Correct 502 Figure Cold Drinks Sold and Temperature Reference Ref 2 1 Figure Cold Drinks Sold and Temperature Look at the figure Cold Drinks Sold and Temperature If we move from point B to point C in the figure the outside temperature has and the number of cold drinks sold has decreased by 30 degrees decreased by 30 drinks Incorrect increased by 20 degrees increased by 20 drinks Incorrect increased by 30 degrees increased by 30 drinks True Answer Correct increased by 40 degrees increased by 40 drinks Incorrect 503 Figure Cold Drinks Sold and Temperature Reference Ref 2 1 Figure Cold Drinks Sold and Temperature Look at the figure Cold Drinks Sold and Temperature If we move from point C to point D in the figure the outside temperature has and the number of cold drinks sold has decreased by 30 degrees decreased by 30 drinks Incorrect increased by 20 degrees increased by 20 drinks True Answer Correct increased by 30 degrees increased by 30 drinks Incorrect increased by 40 degrees increased by 40 drinks Incorrect Figure Hot Drinks Sold and Temperature 504 Reference Ref 2 2 Figure Hot Drinks Sold and Temperature Look at the figure Hot Drinks Sold and Temperature If we move from point K to point L in the figure the outside temperature has and the number of hot drinks sold has decreased by 30 degrees increased by 30 drinks Incorrect increased by 20 degrees decreased by 20 drinks True Answer Correct increased by 30 degrees decreased by 30 drinks Incorrect increased by 40 degrees decreased by 40 drinks Incorrect 505 Figure Hot Drinks Sold and Temperature Reference Ref 2 2 Figure Hot Drinks Sold and Temperature Look at the figure Hot Drinks Sold and Temperature If we move from point J to point L in the figure the outside temperature has and the number of hot drinks sold has decreased by 30 degrees increased by 30 drinks Incorrect increased by 20 degrees decreased by 20 drinks Incorrect increased by 30 degrees decreased by 30 drinks Incorrect increased by 40 degrees decreased by 40 drinks True Answer Correct 506 Figure Hot Drinks Sold and Temperature Reference Ref 2 2 Figure Hot Drinks Sold and Temperature Look at the figure Hot Drinks Sold and Temperature If we move from point L to point M in the figure the outside temperature has and the number of hot drinks sold has decreased by 30 degrees increased by 30 drinks Incorrect increased by 20 degrees decreased by 20 drinks Incorrect increased by 30 degrees decreased by 30 drinks True Answer Correct increased by 40 degrees decreased by 40 drinks Incorrect Figure Good X and Good Y 507 Reference Ref 2 3 Figure Good X and Good Y Look at the figure Good X and Good Y If we move from point B to point C in the figure the x variable has and the y variable has decreased by 2 units increased by 15 units Incorrect increased by 2 units decreased by 15 units True Answer Correct decreased by 15 units increased by 2 units Incorrect increased by 15 units decreased by 2 units Incorrect 508 Figure Good X and Good Y Reference Ref 2 3 Figure Good X and Good Y Look at the figure Good X and Good Y If we move from point C to point B in the figure the x variable has and the y variable has decreased by 2 units increased by 15 units True Answer Correct increased by 2 units decreased by 15 units Incorrect decreased by 15 units increased by 2 units Incorrect increased by 15 units decreased by 2 units Incorrect 509 When graphing a curve the vertical intercept is the value of the y variable when the value of the x variable is equal to zero True Answer Correct the change in the y variable between two points divided by the change in the x variable between those same two points Incorrect the value of the y variable when the value of the slope is equal to zero Incorrect the value of the x variable when the value of the y variable is equal to zero Incorrect 510 511 Reference Ref 2 4 and the slope of our line would be Table Hours Studied and Quiz Score Look at

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