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STUDY GUIDE FOR THE EXAM DR FAUBER Here s a list of suggested topics that you should review for the exam What is meant by personality Continued patterns of behavior Consistent over time No personality without connection to others social interactions What is the role of theory in the study of personality Describe and explain personalities prepositions not facts bound in time and culture Know some of the major constructs ideas that are central to psychodynamic theories of personality and pathology such as Freud s concept of the unconscious True personality lies in unconscious out of awareness irrational key to understanding human experience Elements of Freud s structural model id immediate gratification innate ego Restrains id works with reality balancing force superego Internal morals harsh and unforgiving reality principle Works with ego need fulfillment can be realistically met good psychological health means strong ego ego and super ego both restrain the id The role of defense mechanisms Protect against anxiety and distress controlled by ego What was Freud s theory based on what influenced and shaped his thinking Bound by time and culture Victorian time period shaped by observations of hysterical patients What was his theory originally designed to explain Hysterical patient s behavior What are the major criticisms and limitations of Freudian theory Not enough attention to consciousness Focuses entirely on childhood Little focus on social relationships Too much focus on sex and instincts Little scientific support Non parsimonious In general how have neo Freudian theories contemporary psychodynamic theorists changed some of Freud s earlier ideas More ego less id Less focus on childhood Less unconscious conflict Less focus on sex aggression More emphasis on culture social influences What are the fundamental assumptions of humanistic theories of personality pathology examples self actualization unconditional positive regard peak experience etc Humanistic theory emphasizes self determinism self fulfillment Self actualization emphasis on universal strivings to reach fullest human potential Unconditional Positive Regard Therapy strategy created by Carl Rogers in which the therapist continuously makes the patient feel supported and important Peak Experience Mihaly s Flow inability to transcend yourself onto others accomplished hierarchy of needs Psychopathology results from the denial or frustration or twisting of man s essential nature Psychopathology workability how well one can function goodness of fit How did Maslow attempt to differ from Freud in developing a psychology of human behavior Optimistic view of humans Maslow criticized psychology for studying pathology Freud May be simplistic and na ve Worked on well adjusted patients Hierarchy of needs Know some of the major characteristics of self actualizers according to Maslow Characteristics Acceptance realism problem centering spontaneity flexibility autonomy solitude peak experience appreciation What did Rogers believe was the importance of unconditional positive regard Therapists accept patients for who he or she is Does not impose conditions of worth Promotes self awareness and creative choice What are the major criticisms and limitations of humanistic approaches Focuses too much on positive aspects of human functioning and experience Simplistic and na ve Abstract concepts difficult to replicate little support Emphasizes sameness and universality o Not good at explaining individual differences What is the main intent or goal of trait theory Trait determines behavior Focuses on o Description of personality o Common elements of personality o Individual variation in common elements o Measurement of personality How do trait theorists define traits Emotional cognitive behavior tendencies that are relatively consistent across situations establish underlying personality dimensions on which individuals vary What are trait theories generally based on or derived from Statistical attempts to find core dimensions or traits What are the Big Five traits OCEAN Openness to experience Conscientiousness Open mindedness vs simple narrow minded Organized responsible vs careless frivolous Extroversion Agreeableness Neurotic Talkative energetic vs quiet reserved Kind affectionate vs cold cruel Stable calm vs anxious irritable What is known about the consistency of traits and behavior More consistent across similar situations Less consistent over long periods of time What is meant by the situationism and interactionism Behavior is dictated by certain situational factors Interactionism relationship between person s traits situations they chose to be in Be familiar with the various criteria we use for deciding what is abnormal Tendencies activated by situation Situations influenced by tendencies Deviance societal disapproval Personal Distress Danger to self others Disability interference with adaptive functioning Harmful Dysfunction Wakefield medical biological point of view ADHD how bad does it have to be Know some of the criticisms of the concept of abnormality and mental illness e g Thomas Szaz Szaz use of labeling mental illness as a means of social control Labeling Theory stigmatizing self fulfilling prophecy relationship to poverty and social class Social judgement What is the DSM V and what is its purpose A manual used to aid psychiatrists in diagnosing mental disorders What does it emphasize as a diagnostic system which kind of system is it It emphasizes a diagnosis not treatment Basically know the major groups of disorders such as anxiety dissociative depressive bipolar and personality disorders Know the primary characteristics of each group and some examples of specific disorders within each especially those we discussed in class Anxiety state of unrest or alarm brought on by a situation that is perceived as a threat to our sense of safety and well being Ex panic social Dissociative multiple personality disorder Ex localized amnesia generalized amnesia Depressive persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest woman are 2x more likely to have depression than men Ex major seasonal bipolar Bipolar episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs Ex cyclothymic bipolar 1 bipolar 2 Personality Disorders a deeply ingrained and maladaptive pattern of behavior of a specified kind Ex schizoid antisocial borderline Be familiar with how we appraise and cope with stress according to Richard Lazarus Appraisal influences whether

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