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Lymphatic Review Test OPEN ENDED Explain how lymph fluid becomes lymph fluid Map fluid moving through a lymphatic vessel Name and describe all lymphocytes and what they do specific cells Describe the differences between macrophages dendritic cells and reticular cells Describe the differences between lymphoid tissue and lymphoid follicles Draw label and describe all party of a lymph node Describe the function of the spleen in the lymphatic system How does the Thymus differ from other lymphatic organs What are MALT tissues What tissues are classifies as MALT tissues Explain each What is the difference between Peyer s Patches and tonsils What makes pup the central lymphoid tissue What makes up the peripheral lymphoid tissue Descibe the function of each part Draw a diagram of a lymph node Explain the function of each part Describe and Explain what the red queen hypothesis is TRUE FALSE Lymphatic vessels act as drainage vessels that collect extra protein containing extrastitial fluid Lymphatic capillaries are very permeable Lymphatic vessels have pumps Smooth muscle cells form flap like mini valves on lymphatic vessels Chyle is fatty lymph that drains intestinal mucosa Thoracic duct is smaller then the right lymphatic duct Skeletal muscle squeezes lymph nodes in order to aid flow of blood FILL IN THE BLANK Fluid pressure is in the interstitial space when valves open absorb fat from small intestine to blood stream The enlarged sac also known as collects and drains lymph from above lumbar regions and drains digestive organs and are the two lymphatic organs that are developed and fully functional prior to birth Newborns have immunity at birth can occur after lymphatics are removed from a specific area is a specific receptor region on an antigen that the body attacks Valves in the lymphatic system help prevent which causes swelling and are two diseases which are due to the swelling of the lymph nodes in a particular region

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UMD BSCI 202 - Lymphatic Review Test

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