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The artists of the Late Renaissance were affected by several factors The Protestant Reformation The tensions between the Protestant reformation and Catholic church The achievements and innovations of the artists from the High Renaissance The rise of Charles V as emperor of Rome and other court families The Sack of Rome in 1527 Martin Luther presented his Protestant Reformation to Roman Catholic church in Wittenberg in 1517 During the reformation Luther Zwingli Calvin and other reformers encouraged the destruction of religious items However this only led to the catholic church s increase in the production of said items in the 16th century In the early 16th century the Medici family rose back to power in Florence as Charles V invaded Rome and was crowned the Holy Roman emperor of Bologna He and other prominent families spread the influence of Italian Renaissance style throughout Europe Artists of the Late Renaissance were affected by the achievements and innovations of the High Renaissance Most of the popular artists from the earlier period died however Michelangelo and Titian survived to create more art and influence younger artists in the Late Renaissance A New Style Mannerism During the events in the early 16th century a new style was brought about called Mannerist This style was developed by the commissions of art by courtly patrons and used for paintings and sculpture and sometimes architecture Like the artists of the High renaissance Mannerist artists aspired to create their own original compositions rather than repeat the art of antiquity However the interpretation of the new style has been argued by many scholars Religious Painting in the early 16th century One of the most original pieces created in the Mannerist style is Rosso Fiorentino s The Descent from the Cross which was commissioned by a self abusive religious society called flagellants Unlike the stable compositions of the High Renaissance Rosso s piece contains contrasting colors and unbalanced elements The structure of the muscular and dynamic figures draws inspiration from Michelangelo however Rosso s figures are elongated and the light inside the painting falls on random places Jacopo da Pontormo Rosso s friend and contemporary also developed a painting in the Mannerist style Commissioned by the Capponi family Pontormo painted the Pieta in their chapel Santa Felicita The figures in The Pieta are structurally sound but very condensed The colors within the piece are also desaturated The Medici Family New Sacristy During the Late Renaissance the Medici family continued to commission work from Michelangelo Pope Leo X commissioned Michelangelo to build a new sacristy for the church of San Lorenzo to hold tombs for his father Lorenzo the Magnificent and his fathers brother The New Sacristy was modelled after Brunelleschi s design however Michelangelo implemented a second level above the architrave and below the supports which made the chapel taller and allowed it to accept more light The New Sacristy is the only work of an artist in which the sculptures remained in the original setting The tomb of Giuliano is heavily inspired by Classic architecture Accademia del Disegno The duke Cosimo I commissioned the academy Accademia del Disegno Academy of Design to be built in order to train artists and increase their status Jean Bologne a gifted sculptor became the most important sculptor during the Late Renaissance when he went to the academy In a demonstration of skill Bologna created three contrasting figures combined to form one action It was later given the title The Rape of the Sabine Woman by the academy Michelangelo Pope Paul III commissioned works from contemporary artists much like the previous pops before him Yet again Michelangelo was commissioned for more work at the Sistine Chapel From 1534 1541 Michelangelo painted a version of The Last Judgement on the walls of the Sistine Chapel To create this piece Michelangelo had to remove some of the fresco s commissioned by Sixtus IV including some frescos from his wall project Michelangelo version of The Last Judgement is reflected by his own outlook on death and expressed his piety This is made known by the way he depicts himself as a mere piece of human skin within the painting St Peter s Palazzo del Te Correggio Titian s Bacchanal As Michelangelo reached old age during the Late Renaissance he constantly thought of death As he found solace in his poetry and art his change in perspective can be seen in his new version of Pieta Again Michelangelo cast s himself within his art but this time as the role of a saint fully accepting his title of divine Michelangelo later smashed the the sculpture and left it unfinished in 1555 Michelangelo worked on the exterior of St Peter s church in Rome by using the colossal order of the pilasters to make the church more dramatic and stylized much like a sculpture To demonstrate his wealth and power throughout the arts Federico II Gonzaga commissioned Giulio Romano to build a villa called the Palazzo del Te The building is placed on a flat courtyard and the interior is filled with frescos with themes of antiquity and the Loves of Jupiter One such fresco is Jupiter and Io which was painted by an italian painter named The painting draws from Leonardo s use of sfumato and surpases the eroctism in In Parma Correggio was commissioned to paint a fresco in the dome of the Parma Cathedral called The Assumption of the Virgin Correggio uses illusionistic perspective to remove the domes surfaces As the viewer looks up at the fresco they feel drawn into heaven The Virgin Mary can be scen ascending into heaven Parmigianino Self Portrait and Madonna Once the power of the Papal States expanded into cities like Parma and Bologna In Parma another famous painter rose to fame named Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola also known as Parmigianino To demonstrate his skill in painting what he sees Parmigianino does a very convincing self portrait of himself while looking at a convex mirror The display of he smoothed and perfected features of his self portrait demonstrates an influence of Raphael s figures Influence from Leonardo can be seen with the effect of sfumato added to the composition Parmigianino s most famous work is The Madonna with the Long Neck which was commissioned by a noblewoman from Parma Parmigianino s Madonna mimics the shape of the ampora depicted in the scene by her oval face and elongated neck Titian in the Late Renaissance LIke Michelangelo

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HCCC ART 125 - Late Renaissance

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