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HY 101 Dr James Mixson Chapter 6 Muslims had become sizable minorities at this point in history of Arab Islamic Empire By the end of the 9th century Abbasid Empire had nearly collapsed because of its weak military The Political Map Three Caliphates o Fatimids Wanted to replace the Abbasid caliphate Military campaigns were successful Territorial expansion into Syria and Iraq Abd al Rahman arrives o He is the Prince of Umayyad who survived the Abbasid takeover in Syria o He arrives and marks the foundation for the Umayyad dynasty of al Andalus o He unifies the peninsula through careful administration and a keen sensitivity to the ethnic complexity of his realm Religious Landscape the 10th century o Islamic thought practice became more clearly defined in o Fatimids devoted considerable sums of money to architecture including the construction of congregational mosques of al Azhar and al Hakim o Business religion were commonly intertwined ideas qadi muhtasib qadi was a judge or magistrate muhtasib was a market inspector or someone who implements hisba which is the Qur anic principle to promote the good and forbid the Religion was intertwined in everyday occupations in wrong society

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