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Adam Smith Intro Ch 1 The Wealth of Nations Good microeconomic decision good decision overall Father of Economy Professor relied on student s attendance tutor for duke Thomas Malthus Pop Ch 4 Principle of Population Natural resource grows arithmetically while pop grows geometrically Boom bust cycle Discourages charity many children in poor family Ex Rwanda s genocide Anonymously Against church s belief Jared Diamond Pop Ch 4 Pop rises and falls Michael Kremer Julian Simon Pop Ch 4 Pop density increases productivity and economy growth increases New innovations and ideas Alfred Marshall Supply Demand Ch 2 Principle of Economics Supply and Demand graphs Paul Samuelson Soc Sec Ch 4 Mathematically based system Rewritten economy in equations Soc Sec backed by gov people better off Simon Kuznets GDP Ch 5 Ukrainian boy genius Answer How Much Does a Country Produce Irving Fisher Stock Prices Ch 3 Foundation for CPI Invest everything in stock bankrupt Thorstein Veblen Price Ch 4 Theory of the Leisure Class Good and service serve two purposes Useful Show your wealth CPI price in keeping them look good not survival Arthur Cecil Pigou Unemployment Ch 8 The Theory of Unemployment Trade Unions increase wages above market clearing Min wage Make people want jobs that are not available Joseph Alois Schumpeter Jobs and pay Ch 9 Creative destruction People invent new things new jobs high paying Eliminate old jobs low pays Minister of Finance banks broke professors refused to hire him

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